Thank You God For this Day (Being infamous)

in blog •  7 years ago 

Things are getting better. I had a good day at work today. And a good day after work. I just feel so much better because im full of hope. People are liars and I learned to accept that. They make shit up about me. Lies that flow from your cup are what defile you. That is why its important people practice freedom of speech. You cant have fear when you talk about the truth. You should only have fear when you bear false witness because that is when God judged you. Life is difficult for everyone, I know that. But its about playing with the hand your dealt without folding when you realize that games dont matter. Life isnt a game. Games are made up. Life gets to real to be looked at as a game. Sports are over rated. You should praise the people that serve rather then those that dont. The reason society doesnt economically make sense is because we reward all the hot shots and celebs rather then the average citizen who is actually contributing to society in a very positive manner. You cant stop the dreamers though. The people that want more out of life for doing what they do best. Sometimes I still dream about being a famous rapper but to me I already am because I write rap music for me. No one else. I write it for God. I praise God through the lyrics I write. So to him I am already famous. Or "Infamous" which is what I prefer to be anyway.

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The things will get better as time passes by :)