Why Shakesqueer Is Trash And Shouldnt Be Taught In SchoolssteemCreated with Sketch.

in blog •  7 years ago 

Before We Get Started...

Id like to say I use to be a big fan of Shakespeare. As a rapper, Im a fan of poetry and really any type of creative word-play. Shakespeare was interesting because you couldnt understand it. It was sort of a challenge you know? But then I found Christ. Christ was the one who revealed to me what a phony bastard he was. Let me explain why...

His Plays Are Perverted

Once you are you able to decipher Shakepeares old-english into new you start to wonder why parents arent in an uproar about the pornographic slang. Its disgusting... You might as well have kids learning Fifty-Shades of Grey in the classroom!

Twelfth Night: Act 2, Scene 5
By my life, this is my lady's hand these be her
very C's, her U's and her T's and thus makes she her
great P's.

C, U , and, T = CUNT

Walt Disney would have love that subliminal! Fantastical bastards... So delusional.

Titus Andronicus: Act 4, Scene 2
Thou hast undone our mother.
Villain, I have done thy mother.


"You have undone our mother"
"I did your mother"....

That doesnt sound like the greatest literary genius of all time. That sounds like some asshole in a locker room. So stupid !!! lol...


Shakespeare wasn't impressive and his tales arent either. The fact we learn them in school is an absolute waste of time and a good way for your child to lose his mind in delusional fantasy and fairytales.

Homosexuality and Cross-Dressing

We all know Shakequeer might have been gay do to all of his sonnets written to a young boy. We also know him and all his buddies use to love dressing up like women & frolicking on stage. Something to me is just strange about all this. I mean the dude was into theatre ...Would it really surprise you then if he was gay??

SONNET 20 in modern terms:

"Your face is as pretty as a woman’s, but you don’t even have to use makeup—you, the man (or should I say woman?) I love. Your heart is as gentle as a woman’s, but it isn’t cheating like theirs. Your eyes are prettier than women’s, but not as roving—you bless everything you look at. You’ve got the good looks of a handsome man, but you attract both women and men. When Mother Nature made you, she originally intended to make you a woman, but then she got carried away with her creation and screwed me by adding a certainthing that I have no use for. But since she gave you a prick to please women, I’ll keep your love, and they can enjoy your body."



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Its all trash coming out of the indoctrination centers. Most who have gone through them cant see their hand in front of their faces. You still have a brain that works Love it!

I know thank God!!!

This is a very interesting look into Shakespeare! Entertaining and funny but also brings up real points and reasons his work shouldn't be mandated in high schools. Quality post

Thanks! I was thinking of all time we spend on learning about his works and I realized what a disgrace it was and had to say something about it!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

there's an interesting theory that shakespeare was actually francis bacon. it's pretty compelling, and also fits your narrative.

an example of some of the support cited is stuff like, "shakespeare wouldn't be so familiar with some of the subjects in the plays like details of the royalty, whereas francis bacon would since he was the head of the Elizabethan intelligence service." that fact alone should set off some alarms. seems like intelligence agencies are still pushing the same agendas :)

that said, i actually enjoy some of shakespeare's works myself XD

Isn't this also why he is great? Appealing on many different levels. Also he should be studied because of how he influenced many sayings Sybil in use today

Committing adultery with men great? God what is wrong with these generations...

So, what you are saying is a person's sexual orientation is more important than their body of work? What is wrong with you? I hate people like you who hate in the name of Jesus.

Your not thinking. If you found out your father was sleeping with a man behind your mothers back you wouldnt hate him? Really? You really wouldnt? Think about it . Its an abomination.

i'm bet that if his dad was doing some chick he wouldn't like her either.

I understand what you're saying. I'm saying you have to separate the man from the work. What's your thoughts on Roman Polanski?

FYI I dont hate gay people I hate people who brainwash the youth through fantasies and bullshit

if only all these arguments could be resolved so peacefully :)

i agree with both of you. i'm for equal rights for gay people, but the state should stay clear of our personal lives. and unfortunately, the government's using more than just fantasies and bullshit to indoctrinate the next generation :(

Good to hear. I agree with you on the brainwashing


Have you read Song of Solomon? Very sexy stuff.

I never really studied Shakespeare. When you point those things out, it is the reason I stopped watching TV. Why do all the comedians have to wear a dress? Flip Wilson, Robin Williams, Tom Hanks and more. Did they really want to do such things? Was it not them of the high places of Hollywood that demanded them to do such things? The agenda of the deep state has been doing such things since the time of Cain son of Adam. Notice Jesus didn't come from the line of Cain. Jesus came from the line of Seth son of Adam.