(IJCH) Secret Gov't Weapons, Helo Crashes, Internet Routers & Stage Shows (Inspired by a Great Post by @an0nkn0wledge)

in blog •  7 years ago  (edited)


(IJCH) Secret Gov't Weapons, Helo Crashes, Internet Routers & Stage Shows (Inspired by a Great Post by @an0nkn0wledge)

IJCH - Inside JaiChai's Head (meaning: My warped, personal opinions and musings.)

From the Author


I am JaiChai.

And if I haven't had the pleasure to make your acquaintance, it's always nice to meet a fellow Steemian.


I just read this excellent post by @an0nkn0wledge:


It prompted me to write this comment/reply:

At @an0nkn0wledge,

Enjoyed your post.

Salutations. I am JaiChai.

Pleased to make your acquaintance.

RE: Your Post


Many years ago, while serving as an Aerospace Physiology and Aviation Medicine Tech (NEC's - Navy Enlisted Classification - 8406/8409) for the U.S. Navy/Marine Corps, I used to train pilots and aircrew in land and water survival; as well as have them play "patty-cake" or identify a playing card (think of the movie "Officer and a Gentleman" - BTW, my unit also trained the actors for "Top Gun") in the hypobaric chamber (altitude simulator).


I also made my survival students perform underwater escape procedures in the "Dilbert Dunker" or 9D5 Helicopter Underwater Egress Device.


In one of the lectures I taught, I touched upon the phenomenon called flicker vertigo (sometimes referred to as the BUCHA EFFECT).

In a nutshell, if one is subjected to flashes of light at certain fps/Hz (flickers per second/Hertz frequency), symptoms ranging from disorientation, headache, nausea and vomitting, and in some cases, total incapacitation and epileptic siezures.


Why was this topic incorporated in the survival curriculum?

Because the military and U.S. government noticed that many helicopter crashes were occurring for unknown reasons.


At the time every aircrew carried a small flashing signal beacon/strobe light called the SDU5E.


If a flashing signal beacon malfunctioned or if aircrew (and strike teams) were exposed to light coming through the rotor blades of a helicopter at a certain fps/Hz range, several cases of flicker vertigo would manifest.



Nowadays, I'm sure there are many advanced "toys" to induce and amplify flicker vertigo. It [flicker vertigo inducing sources] has been considered for non-lethal force and crowd control since the 1950's.



For decades, these devices have been "somewhat" publicly developed by the Rand Corporation and DARPA, or secretly in one of the MANY pseudo-private R&D labs around the world.

Imagine that?



Upvoted and following you now.

Namaste (I recognize the divine in you),


(End of comment/reply to @an0nkn0ledge)


Your Internet Router - A Real Pain

For many reasons - whether you are on the internet or not, your internet router will continue to blink.


In some cases, the constant strobe effect has caused maladies ranging from mild irritation to migraine headaches.

Many will agree that the constant blinking is an annoyance while trying to sleep.

This has led to the proliferation of DIY projects and commercial products that shield users from the blinking, but do not block the signal from reaching your router's antennae.



"Motivating" Stage Shows?


Was that last show that exciting? Or was it because you were blinded by the lights?



Given the effects of strobe lights, it's no wonder that promoters and entertainers have used flashing lights to alter the moods of the audience and raise (agitate) excitement since the dawn of onstage entertainment.

By JaiChai

I hope this post has made you aware of the potential harmful effects of light in your day-today environment.

They have become so ubiquitous that they're hidden in plain sight and overlooked by most people.


Many thanks for reading my post. And if you enjoyed it, please: Upvote, Follow, Comment and Resteem.

- JaiChai "My mind was a terrible thing to waste..."


About the Author

JaiChai has been in the Disruptive Technology, Computer Science and Cryptocurrency spaces for many years. He is an enigma, regarded by his cohorts as sarcastic, funny, intuitive, but most of all - elusive. He’s known for randomly submitting philosophical and contrarian posts on most forums.

JaiChai alternates long dormant periods with concentrated episodes of frenzied commentary - only to go silent again.

When asked about his vanishing acts, he says, "I’m just somebody who enjoys being nobody because I look like everybody. Besides, time checking things off my 'bucket list’ - sans notoriety - is time well spent.”

Parting Shot -

unnamed (11).gif
Don't be alarmed. This animated .gif is not flickering. Or is it?

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I read about Brion Gyson and the Dream Machine last year. Interesting thingy to "google." I had not considered the blinking lights in my home. The bedroom goes "dark" all the way and the router is in a small networking closet I built, but I never considered the effect of strobes, unless I was staring at them. I am now preparing to run about the house and cover them up or pull them out.

we should disarm them


Thank you very much for commenting.

And I agree. But easier said than done...

