Brainstorming Big Post 2 + Over 1000 Followers Milestone Reached!

in blog •  7 years ago 

Straight off of the heels of my first Big Post (Read it here if you haven't yet) I've decided to jump directly into my next one.

This time I want to get community input to get the best intersection of what I'd like to dig deep into and what people want to learn more about.

So here are my current ideas about the next topic. Please comment with your vote and a short explanation for why you prefer it over the others. Also, feel free to add any thoughts on the topics, including what you'd like to see included, whether it should be something slightly different, or different altogether. Part of the reason I didn't do this before is because there's no telling what exactly a project of this size will become until you're deep into it. So please keep in mind that nothing is written in stone, I'm just getting input.

Without further ado, here are the things on my list:

1.) How the internet works in detail. There are a few articles on Steemit and quite a few more online that talk about how the internet works in broad strokes. I want to delve into far more detail about either the entire thing or part of it. I'm considering making it blockchain oriented, but I won't know whether this is too much (both for me and/or the article) until I start digging.

2.) How cryptocurrencies work in detail. I'd avoid as much math as possible, but would try to get my hands on some of the code and break down how the blockchain works - not just on the metaphorical level on which most of us understand it now. I might focus on bitcoin since it's the first and simplest, I might focus mostly on one or two aspects or 'parts' of the blockchain architecture that I go into in detail.

3.) How Steem and work in detail. There are quite a few articles on this as well, but I still think there's plenty of room for clarifications. This is listed separately from the more general category of cryptocurrencies as Steem and the Steem ecosystem of apps are sort of their own beast.

4.) My thoughts on the gaming industry, it's history, and what it ultimately needs. This is more of an essay that will be/stay general until I ironed it out a bit more. Don't expect it'll get many votes for that reason, but I included it here, anyway.

5.) Crypto and taxes. I'm not a legal scholar or tax advisor, so anything in this article would have to be taken with a grain of salt. But with the current climate being what it is, it might not be a bad idea for the crypto community as a whole to start arming itself with at least some basic knowledge of things as they stand in this area.

That's it for now. I'll update this list as I get new ideas. Please spread this far and wide so I can get people's opinions! And thank you for your input.

In other news, I've reached over a 1000 followers some time ago! Exciting stuff. I'd been so busy lately that I'd almost forgotten to celebrate.

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asking everyone one this question curious how long did it take you to get to 1000 followers?

I've been on this platform for about a year and a half. You can look at when people joined on their profile/blog page to get an idea. Keep in mind that I've had stints of about a few months or weeks each where I wasn't very active on the platform.