Risking Happiness for a Chance of a much Better Future

in blog •  8 years ago  (edited)

Everybody wants to live a happy life (mostly). We like buying stuffs that elevate our social status and feel great. We go to different places, take pictures, then post it in Instagram to feel freedom. We go to popular restaurants and enjoy eating with family and friends. We buy tickets to see our favorite artists. We spent lots of time and money for hobby to enjoy our life. But what if, just what if there is something more out there. And that something might make you lose everything that makes you happy for a short or long time or forever. Would you take the risk for that chance?

I would like to share my story of how did I came up with the title of this blog.

I'm a graduate in BS Computer Engineering. Before I graduated, I am already working as a freelance web developer. It was a fun and challenging experience. I have an OK grades in college and my performance is good. I have also developed my skill in programming in doing freelance projects. So it is safe to say that my professional career as computer engineer already has a strong foundation. I had a decent source of income after I left the college. There are also lots company to apply for. I have no problem, no obligations, and my family is quite financially stable. So I am free with what to do with my life, workplace in a company is a comfort zone and I can spend my money in anyway I want...... But then there's something inside of me that tells me I am not yet at my potential. That I could still be better and do greater things rather than just sitting in a desk and follow orders.

So here I am taking the entrepreneurial path. It sounds cool but it really sucks. I have no more decent source of income. Working more than 9 hours everyday. Eating dinner from the allowance of my little brother. No partying and can't go travel anywhere for more than one day easily. Having trouble sleeping due to quarter life crisis. And since no money, no time, and no energy I have no love life. The good thing is I'm also becoming a vegetarian because it is the only meal I can afford.

In conclusion, there will always be a problem in life. Just follow your heart and enjoy the show. And don't forget to follow ME

P.S. The guy in the image is not me. I just took it from the internet and I don't know if it's legal or not, but I know it unethical :D. Here's the website: thecrunchyfiles.wordpress.com

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