I didn't defend Grumpy's actions or really him until closer towards the end when I started noticing the slander wasn't stopping after many requests to stop spreading slander.
Even now, you describe @GrumpyCat in the same manner that has been used in a slime campaign I have seen oh too often. I was skeptical from the beginning, but the more you guys attack me for saying "Maybe we should use logic rather than slander" the more I am convinced that Grumpy isn't the "bully" you make him out to be and the real "bullies" are you guys that won't stop attacking him. Senseless nonstop slander. Not a trace of attempts to provides evidence of "bullying".
Maybe he is a bully and I haven't seen it. That is your responsibility to... habeas corpus? Show us the body of evidence? This is all I've seen:
Grumpy launches a political campaign against bid bot abuse by flagging their consumers. Sort of the same way people protest YouTube Advertisers to stop racism on the platform (Coke is YouTube's customers)
The campaign is successful as several bots already switch to the new policy which provides time for Grumpy to flag "Placeholder" posts
Michael gets flagged by Grumpy
Michael takes this policy as a personal act of theft and launches anti-Grumpy Campaign
All negative comments about Grumpy situation has been entirely by those that campaign against Grumpy.
Now, feel free to correct that timeline, but as far as I see, the real bully is the one that fails to use logic, replaces logic with emotional snags from people that were also flagged by Grumpy, and uses mob mentality to try silence anyone that tries to bring in a different perspective.