Video Editing Failure :( More videos soon!

in blog •  7 years ago 

Hey everyone! Apology post full of excuses for my lack of videos!!

The last couple days I have had issues with my editing programs. I have had this issues off and on in the past. The problem being I was unable to export any clips that were longer than one minute. Because of this I hadn't been able to edit the clips from my daily videos without doing so in less than one minute bits. Which was too much for me haha.

This has been super frustrating but today after a complete reset of my systems I can finally edit full clips again and will be filming something new today.

What editing programs do you use? The problem I run into most often is random failure when trying to export videos. I have been wanting to get something new for a while, (cheaper the better) so if anyone has any suggestions let me know in the comments!


It's super cold out here in Kansas, so I'm definitely going to need to find some fun ways to entertain myself inside. Should I make more kendama videos?

Here's a picture of the snow from my bedroom window.



On my Instagram I am doing a new kendama trick everyday for each day in the month of February. Check it out!

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I use Premier Pro by Adobe, it's on a monthly subscription and I pay a student rate for the whole line-up of programs because I still have access to my college e-mail address! It's $33 monthly I believe. (The first year was $20 monthly)

I'm sorry about the snow... here in Mexico it just rained and now it's so humid, I'm sweating like crazy!

I'm not sure which weather I'd rather have! Probably yours to be honest haha. I have had interest in that program and other professional ones for a while, I think I might reallocate my monthly subscriptions so that I can have my own copy of one of them!