It is difficult that I'm the only one can understand and the only one open-minded. The kind that you’re trying to explain but they don't want to understand? Maybe because they don’t want to accept the truth because it hits their ego and pride or their beliefs. If they cannot accept the truth, he cannot leave the present to face the future or the reality.

If you don't like a dictator who you thought was the dictator of your life, shouldn't you be able to do what you want in life now? Am I correct? What if the leader of your country wants the good for your country and to his people? And this is the only way he knows. And you don't know the hardship he is going through to restore order to his country.
Then will you just judge him as a bad person? Why, what did the fourth or fifth leader of the country do before for his people? The last president of the Philippines before the current president took office today promised that he would run off the train if his promise was not fulfilled. What happened to his promise? What has he done in his term? Nothing! Pure feeling handsome and promise, nothing came true of his promises!
Now, I will return to the so-called dictator. Isn't a dictator also poisoning the minds of the people? That is the work of CATHOLIC leaders in the Philippines! So are the CHURCHES OF CHRIST known as IGLESIA NI CRISTO! They are the dictators! Not the current president now! And these two religions in the Philippines accept bribes to vote for a candidate! Then the members, especially in IGLESIA NI CRISTO, will be urged that if their chosen candidate is not elected, they will be expelled.

That is what is called a Dictator! You have no freedom to choose who you vote for. You have not checked whether the candidacy is worthy of the position.
I hope you will be fair in your view and judgment. Not because his speech is sharp and he swears is that he is a bad person. Why don’t you look at his achievements in town or the country and his concern for the people? It's not that what you're looking at is the bad thing coming out of his mouth. And you often criticize his resigned words! Why? Have you done anything of great help to your country or your area of jurisdiction? If not, you'd better just shut up!