RE: Vlog #15: Why "Wanting Kids" is NOT Natural!!!

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Vlog #15: Why "Wanting Kids" is NOT Natural!!!

in blog •  9 years ago 

I agree with all you said and I've had similar thoughts about it. To have that feel so good sensation in the climax of sex makes the male species want to do reproduce. Humans and animals have it in their biological function to get horny. The difference is humans have the power to control and the choice to want or have children. If we look at society, there are so many unwanted pregnancies and unwanted babies. Many even consider it "accident" or "unplanned". We've been taught and given the concept of marriage and children. Romanticizing the family life, that having a baby is the result of a couple's love. But of course, reality is always different than the ideal.

Yes, babies are so cute in their infant to toddler years but it does take work and it's not all lovey-dovey just as how it is being in a couple relationship. And then they eventually grow up and they go through all the things we went through and go through now. The more reality sets in, you know how it is living in this world. It may be sad to think of it that way but they become another employee of the world. A contributor to society trying to make a living and stay alive. Another sad truth is we all become old, this world needs young ones to replace the aging and dying.

It's really more of a NEED TO or HAVE TO rather than WANT TO. It's only a WANT TO for couples who cannot have kids but I think it's more of a want to fulfill the ideal. And it's a desire for people who see them as a completion of owning or possessing property, to be able to call MY child or MY children.

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