Luckily, you too, can create your own happiness.

in blog •  7 years ago  (edited)

Don't put your happiness in someone else's hands....

they will drop it.....they will drop it every time

People often ask me why I am so happy, and how I remain so positive....

I never have a clear answer

I woke up today....

my house was not on fire, and I have yet to develop cancer

I have countless reasons to be happy

Simple things bring me happiness, children's laughter, bare feet on green grass, fresh flowers, being silly....

truth is I have horrible days too....

I cry, I go all "hulk"

I am a person who believes you should absolutely own your emotions

If you are mad, get mad.

stomp, scream, call your best friend

Don't stay there though, you deserve better.

I don't broadcast every low, just as I don't feel the need to boast about every high

Many moons ago I decided that I was responsible for my own happiness

Too many times it has been crushed by other people's carelessness with it

The universe has a sick sense of humor, once you accept that many other things become clear

other people don't (and shouldn't) determine your value, everyone does not have your best interests in mind, you don't have to attend every argument you are invited to, you are enough, sometimes things really do happen to us, you can not always take control, it takes both rain and sunshine to make a rainbow, you don't need a a reason to be happy.

It is perfectly acceptable to look in the mirror and tell yourself "you rock" once a day.

Until further notice......Celebrate every stuff

Happiest of Wednesdays to you!!

Much Love


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never depends on other....

@krazykrista people need to be thankful for the small things in life as much as for the big things! We certainly create our own personal happiness! We can be happy with more or less! It depends on how you look at things and how do you feel yourself! Amazing post @krazykrista! Stay awesome and krazy!

This is indeed a healthy approach to life, be a master of your own inner world.
And I want to propose a provocative hypothesis - happiness is over rated in our societies. The purpose of life is not to be happy. Rather it's about personal growth and self mastery, sovereignty over slavery. I for one replaced happiness with content. And I'm am content in my life when I am alive. ☺️

Just what I needed, a morning boost of positive thinking, Thanks😀

I never rely on people for my happiness... just the crypto markets! Ha ha thanks for the sunshine on this gray day!

What a draft you made.

I am speechless. It feels as if you have spoken out of my heart. Bravo!! Time is not always in your favor. So as you said the best policy is to remain positive and happy most of the times. Don't let others overrule your happiness. :-)

I will try, but I don't know if I will succeed.

these poems...

I agree with you @krazykrista, we will never be truly happy if our happiness does not come from within us. I absolutely believe that happiness must spring from within.

You wrote very true !!!
Each person creates his own happiness!
If inside you there is no happiness, you will not find it anywhere!

If we all could learn to choose to be happy even in tough times, I believe the world would be a better place. I once invest in a business that went south but I never told my friend I lost so much. So one day I found out about it and ask I felt so positive and didn't tell them what has happened to me.
I said well, I wouldn't have gone to radio to announce my success, so why go there to cry about my lost.

Happiness is a choice.

good observation. but human can not be happy alone. by born human is social. so our happiness will depend on our nearest and dearest. without them to whom to show our happiness and to whom we can be happy??? so anyhow our happiness will be on others hand......might be our parents....might be our child....might be our life partners.

You are a guru in happiness. Please share more about it. 🙏🏻

I believe in your content

Good post, I agreed with the part that we should own our emotions. That's so true

Just like you, my happiness is firmly in my hands and that's why I rock.

Have a lovely Wednesday!

wow good post i like it keep it up ..... thanks for shareing

Nice post , it is noted by me that human race love arguements to prove points to each other , however, we human also love to put blames on each other to justify any situation that occurs. But what matters most is our happiness disregarding what others thoughts about us . Let’s live life to the fullest and enjoy ourselves while it last

Nice info, mr, thank you pu :)

There is no key to happiness, the door is always open.

Excellent! you are your creator of your own reality. When you look in the mirror you rock! be possitive even when all is bad, because it will change.

Let your light shine.

08 Shine.jpg

This is so true, we all are responsible for our own happiness. It's all about having a positive outlook in everything that happens to us, well at least that's what I try do :)

This is such a great read, thanks krista :D

Beautiful my dearest, thanks for sharing!

Well you rock krista! Upvoted :)

Yup, still working on it.

Good advice @krazykrista. I love line "it takes rain and sunshine to make a rainbow." I'll be stealing that :)

Thanks for sharing, i like u story @krazykrista

I love everything about this post, honestly u actually reminds of my value, u know no one can love just the way u love yourself, and no one has ever giving out Wat he does not have. Thank you very much

Generates a positive energy in every reader's mind... Keep rocking dude...