Do you want to start a business? A few "obvious" tips.

in blog •  7 years ago 

Starting a business is so difficult and risky that several tips can not be avoided. Here, a ten-hour lecture may not be enough, and most of the necessary knowledge is achieved through trial and error. Nevertheless, these tips are very reasonable, and if they do not exhaust all the information that a beginner entrepreneur should possess, then certainly they will not be superfluous.

Saving. In other words, do not spend money on unnecessary things or those without which at the moment you can do without. You now have a more rational way to manage finances. You can go to the Maldives and then. And now use your limited resources to develop your business. By the way, in case of lack of money, it will not be superfluous also to sell something unnecessary

Monetization of free time. Starting your business requires a lot of time - try to use every free moment with profit and make it your competitive advantage. At the initial stage of these benefits, you will not have much. But do not forget about the rest that should be useful.
Give up your main job, when it will be necessary. There is absolutely nothing to add here. If you understand that your business starts to bring at least a small income, and it takes more time to develop it, then it's time to quit the main job and concentrate all your efforts on it.
Mute your decency. No, no one needs to throw money and deceive. Just do not be afraid if somewhere you will slightly embellish your possibilities or advance in advance to the customer a promise, the method of implementation of which you will master already on the go.
Do not raise your business idea. To think that your idea will burn out, just because it's new, is just as mistaken as believing that no one has thought of it before. For success in any business, and especially in business, the quality of performance is much more important, and not just an application for a product. Even if no one has ever done anything like this before.
Less theory - more practice. Try to study the theoretical part as necessary. That is, it makes no sense to just sit and read the textbook on marketing. Unless for the general erudition. Calling for literature for entrepreneurial success is much more effective when there is a certain problem and you are looking for ways to solve it.

Try, experiment, make a mistake. You will never know about the correctness or incorrectness of your decision until you experience it in practice. Do not be afraid of making mistakes: thus, at least you are sorting out the wrong variants, but in general you get what is most valued in business - experience.
Create an idea of ​​your brand. It must be exceptionally positive. The fact is that the market today is so oversaturated with any kind of proposals that it is very difficult to stand out in any customary way. Neither the low price, nor the flashy advertisement, nor the additional service is sometimes able to help, because it is offered by many. Differentiating your service is much more profitable through the uniqueness of the brand, with which potential customers can correlate themselves.
Provide customers not with a product, but with a lifestyle. Your service or product should be positioned not only as a consumer unit, but also as a value that is endowed with something more than just material properties. In this sense, Apple is a prime example: for Steve Jobs it has always been important that his product not only be perfect in the technical sense, but also become an image carrier symbolizing a certain philosophy and values.
Believe in your business. Always, even in the most difficult moments, even when no one but you believes in him. Without faith in your idea, it is difficult to achieve its qualitative realization. And even a successful outcome can only be a temporary coincidence.

Develop your business all the time. It is important to understand that in business, any statics is fatal. You must be ready to go forward all the time. Even if your income suits you, development is necessary to stay afloat and not to go to the bottom in a competitive struggle.
You will need either a lot of time, or a lot of money. Or all at once. Semimers are not possible here. Lack of a lot of free time can be compensated with money and hiring assistants. And the lack of financial resources means that the "swing" of the case will occur gradually, which means that it will take more time and effort. The restriction on both indicators will resemble walking on the spot: there are many efforts, but no results.
Understand the risks. Many people, when they think about their own business, singled out independence and independence from the boss as one of the advantages. Yes, no one will scold you for being late, and you will not have to ask for dinner. But only it is worth remembering that there is no one to shift responsibility: the result depends on your decision, and every day you should think about how not to lose everything. 
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