What happened to the dinosaurs?

in blog •  7 years ago 


Dinosaurs lived for an enormously long time-some 150 million years-before they died out about 64 million years ago. All the dinosaurs disappeared at about the same time. However, whether this happened over a few days, a few years, one or two centuries, or even a few thousand years is impossible to say. Many people believe that the dinosaurs became extinct as a result of climate change after a huge meteor or a small asteroid struck the Earth. The extinction of the dinosaurs was not an isolated event. At the same time most marine reptiles and pterosaurs also died out.

Fact file

Crocodiles stopped evolving in the time of the dinosaurs, and have changed very little since. No one knows why they survived while the dinosaurs were wiped out.

resources: Tell me what (Chancellor Press)
image 1: https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/jeCWTfnPc7vE81UlIfwIpc1hJnw=/0x0:2362x1670/1200x800/filters:focal(993x647:1369x1023)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/51441505/Savannasaurus-elliottorum-Travis-R-Tischler.0.png


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Thanks for the trivia! I hope Dinasaurs are still alive for todays generation, but there's nothing we can do about it. Anyways, lets just take good care of the animals that was left. 😊