The moment you find yourself loved is when ...(Part2)

in blog •  7 years ago 


  1. Before returning to your home country, lead each other behind the fishing lake, the little lake can not do anything so few fish, no children, no child, no children, the city is a few days I told her four children in the countryside to buy two hundred thousand fish drop into the lake for the next t ...

  2. Text messaging with my best friend, I'm a girl. Talk to him for a long time, he heard. After a while, I went to study here, it says: "wipe away tears and learn."

  3. The last time you called him not. Later he saw his call, ask what to eat? Tell me where to ask that? He said running over his house. I asked how naturally ran through. He just told me briefly. That day he was very tired, but still ran over 20km over his place. Now we are not together anymore.

  4. Is mother away. 3 she sleeps lazily curtain. Every night, my father fell to the screen for 3 children.
    The night afraid of the three cold. Again down the fan for.
    School to work away, cold or mosquitoes are only covered with blankets

  5. It is 12 o'clock noon thanks to the car who it was back to finish home. It's home in the back of the house, and cycling again. 7 years already. I have not found any close friends yet.

  6. In the past I was very jealous of you. Recalled at that time I was very surprised my sister said also not to í. Now is big and understand more but my sister is studying abroad one year, just have to find fault. She is learning hard work and no relatives nearby. I know you live there is not easy but always say what you need to tell her and then wait a few years to raise her college education ... Read this sentence my eyes blurred .. .

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The post is very good

Thank you

Sip brother

Interesting :))))

Interesting :))))

Lol :))))

Later he saw his call

Hiehie :)))))

Hey girl :))

Girl cc :)))