PSA: WARNING- Dear Men Of Steem, that photo of the hot chick might just be a 10yr old kid

in blog •  6 years ago  (edited)

Don’t panic, that’s actually a photo of me.. a 32 year old woman with an insane filter that makes me look like some sort of anime porn star, but it turns out kids use it too 😄 And guess what? It has the same effect.

In fact, a individual here on the platform has been using these filters on photos that I assumed were her, as it seems many others did as well. But nope, turns out it’s her 11 yr old daughter.

The idea that we have photos of children being commented on by grown men in a sexual way disturbed me to the core. I’m giving the men on these posts the benefit of the doubt.. that they were confused like I was. Here is the information so you won’t be confused anymore;

Have you met @kawaiicrush?


First of all, there nothing wrong with filters.. or posting photos of your kid.. but seeing that the image on the profile up there is all we have to go on, when I see photos like this randomly and the same person as that in the profile.. I assume it’s the blog owner...

Photo can be found here:

While I think the photos were necessary to show how the two were being confused, I also understand how showcasing them here could be seen as also exploiting the child. I’ve removed due to that. This doesn’t actually fix the issue though stated here and believe trying to make the issue that the photos are here on this blog, is nothing more than a form of delflection. I hope the blog owner will also take care in what she Is posting and how she’s responding.

end edit

In fact, I had always just assumed this sexy Steem nurse was a young woman who was working what she had for votes. I, as a grown ass adult, had absolutely no problem with that. Who would?

But when I was curating yesterday and came across a post discussing her 11yr olds birthday though, I was a bit confused..

Photo can be found here;

While I think the photos were necessary to show how the two were being confused, I also understand how showcasing them here could be seen as also exploiting the child. Which clearly is not my goal. I’ve removed due to that. This however doesn’t actually fix the issue though, and I believe trying to make the issue that the photos are here on this blog is a form of delflection. I hope the blog owner will also take care in what she posts and how.

end edit

First... but is that her daughter or her in that photo? As it looks like the same as the profile image but now I’m not sure who is who. And what about the sexy nurse image I had seen? Was that her or this girl?

So, I went to find out. It turns out that sexy nurse looked a bit different than the other photos but as that photo didn’t have a filter it was still confusing...

Then I found something concerning

This image from this post comparing her daughter to Jessica Rabbit, weird choice.. but ok then. At least it was clear that this photo was in fact her 10yr old daughter.


Photo can be found here;

While I think the photos were necessary to show how the two were being confused, I also understand how showcasing them here could be seen as also exploiting the child. Which clearly was not my goal. I’ve removed due to that. This doesn’t actualy fix the issue though, and I believe trying to make the issue that the photos are here on this blog is a form of delflection. I hope the blog owner will also take care in what she posts and how.

end edit

Then I saw these comment and lost my fucking shit..
public blog.

Couple of things;

if I posted a “fun” photo of my daughter of the internet and this was the response.. I wouldn’t reply like that and I don’t know a sane person who would.

if by chance it was all innocent and I didn’t understand that the individuals were responding to the actual photo in the post.. and not me.. who is nowhere in the post or even in the profile image ... well actually that’s not even plausible as her own fans have told her it’s confusing .. so scratch that.. thats just an unacceptable excuse.

One of many examples of previous confusions;

since I’m being accused of stealing photos now, this belongs to kawaiicrush, I think anyways.. I mean I got it from her public blog.

While discussing this disgusting behavior with an individual in DM, it was then pointed out to an image she had shared on this post;

An image of her legs in a bath.. again, absolutely nothing wrong with that.. but many would believe that those legs belong to the same person in your profile image.. is that confusing?

Here, let’s have an example...

If my profile photo was this;

Would you assume that the owner of this body part was in fact the same person as that in the profile image? Seems logical right?

But what if that profile image was in fact a image of an underage child with heavy filters? What happens then?

For the record, both are me.. having to even clarify that is a bit concerning but seeing the subject manner, I felt the need.

I made a comment in the post sharing this confusion and the insane comments from men. Many others did weigh in (not prompted by me) and to say the response was shocking is an understatement. It seems the only issue this mom sees is that we ugly people are jealous of her legs. This is too idiotic to even touch on so let me boldly state the ACTUAL ISSUE;

Grown men are either confusing these images as the adult who is flirting with them in comments, or they know exactly who the photo is of.. both are disturbing and one is criminal.

I won’t go into the threats of releasing personal information and name calling that this individual is throwing in my direction all over her twitter and in comments on Steem, as it’s really not important.

But individuals need to be aware that this is unacceptable behavior towards a young child and I won’t sit by quietly as it continues.

So men, fair warning; this is a damn kid!

If the comments continue I will assume you are aware and I will flag the living hell out of you as well as any photo of her blog that is exploiting a young child in this way.

For the record, I’m not one to go around and tell parents what to do with their children. But this has crossed a line that as a member of the Steem Community (and Mom myself) I feel needed to be addressed.

@Kawaiicrush- to the mom of the blog, whoever you are, I have absolutely nothing against you. I’m not jealous of your legs or your daughter, as you seem to think is the issue here.

I am concerned though.

Posting images of your innocent child like this is getting a response.. a sexual response from grown men and your reply to them is encouraging it. Please, I am begging you to stop.

Post images of your legs in the bath girl, post sexy photos of yourself! Just please stop doing it along side your child’s face and allowing comments from men that are absolutely terrifying to continue. You should be protecting her. This is just too much...

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  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I had no idea this was happening but got into the rabbit hole just a few hours ago.

As a normal human being and as a psychologist I'm concerned about the blurring of lines here between just 'cool mother daughter content' and abusing the daughters 'upgraded' pictures to elicit sexual responses of grown up men. This is morally wrong. The mother is clearly flirting with men while they think they're chatting with an adult, in the meanwhile that adult is hiding behind a pic of an 11 year old (!) girl.

If I saw an 11 year old girl chatting like that with adult men I would try to notify the authorities to protect her.

  • There's nothing wrong with adults flirting
  • There's nothing wrong with sexy pics made by yourself and posted by yourself on the web, if you're an adult
  • There's something terribly wrong if you're exploiting the attractiveness of a kid, any kid, by posting their pics online (knowing what people wander around on there), and if it's your own kid... I don't even have the words for that.

Even if she has seen nothing 'wrong' until now: it's time to end the confusion. No more mixing adult flirting with sexy kid faces. Posting pics of your underaged kids is one thing (I'm not a fan, but it is 'normalized' over the years), making them central to flirty interactions with adult men is something totally different.

Totally agree with all above.. It has raised my eyebrows many times seeing that my account upvoted her posts (through a trail I follow) while I clearly never would upvote these posts, because they discussed me. I wondered for quite a while if I was overreacting, as so many people support her videos. But I'm glad to finally read that this is not only disgusting me. It's really making me sick reading what she comments back when men are making these sexual comments. Disgusting!

This has been going on for quite some time.

totally agree with you! she may be an interesting case for you to study many other things going on with her I feel. I had an altercation with her once a year ago, because she took her daughter to an aquarium and filmed a whale trapped in a tiny pool. I politely suggested that this is animal cruelty, and maybe not a place to spend your money....and the response from her was totally over the top, like wayyyyy over the top. She accused me of making fun of "her disabled child"!! I realized back then there's no having a conversation with her...but this is so much worse!

Thanks for sharing @evecab, I had no idea you had an encounter like that with her as well. I've seen more reputable Steemians share their stories about this woman, and the more I read, the more I believe there's a lot wrong with her and the way she communicates. It all seems so 'happy and fluffy' when you look at the account in a superficial manner - I decided it was not for me even though she seemed to have a lot of fans! I was just happy for her, making her 'thing' on here. Now I realize that there must be many people who think this way which is why we never really noticed the weirder aspects of the account... Glad it's spoken about now at least.

@llfarms keep in mind "ava" is supposed to be a child dying of sickness which I've had my issues with Kawaiicrush before on separate thread. Her child I believe is terminally ill. From what I gather in videos I've seen she is perfectly functional and healthy. When you question this Kawaiicrush will claim she has to get back to "her ill child" and doesn't want drama.'s not always apparent immediately when someone is ill or disabled. Assuming someone is able bodied because they appear so is a form of discrimination. But...considering the weirdness of the comments and pictures and her does lead one to question...

I might have not gotten that fully right but I do believe there has been "pandering" to the effect that my child is sick please help, but she doesn't seem "blind" to me. I'm not a dr. but I do question what is going on here with her taking advantage of her "sick" kid. I believe the kid was laid up in bed for months but was still being used as a poster child for upvotes. Let's stop beating around the bush, I have a serious concern of her using her daughter for personal gain. Ditch the daughter , and get back doing your business Kawwaii. Also stop being a bitch about it when people are calling you out , you kicked multiple people from your so-called " steem nurse" discord which is creepy as fuck! for calling you out for what you are doing and claimed , you can't handle the "drama" and I need to go "protect my kid" from you bullying. Enough of the bullshit time to own up to what you are doing.

Oh...if she was claiming she's blind...that is... Yeah, I doubt that. Unless there's another kid that she doesn't take pictures of...

I think it's more likely that she has some issues.

I just wanted to point out that you can't always assume. Some people are trying really hard to live a normal life...and then to deny that they're suffering...can be hurtful.

But the more we pick at this scab...the more it looks to be festering.

Hmm, a perfect example of the state of society. Fast forward to 2029...I wonder what societies' norm will look like then? #stoptheworldIwantout

Posted using Partiko Android

Justine, I want to say thanks for stepping up to the plate on this situation. You personally know my thoughts but let me just say it for everyone to hear.

Yesterday, when I discovered the disturbing replies to the “Jessica Rabbit” photo, the photo of a 10 year old CHILD, I was, to put it mildly, FURIOUS.

How does any loving and protective mother in her right mind allow pictures like these ones of Ava to even be taken in the first place? I feel uncomfortable just even looking at them at all. No smiles, just seductive types of faces a 10-year old child shouldn’t even know how to make at all. She’s wearing carefully lined lipstick and eye shadow, she was TEN YEARS OLD in these pictures, people!!

Just because it’s on snapchat and because “millions” of people do it, doesn’t make it okay! These kinds of airbrushed filters that take away any sense of REALNESS to a human face are changing the way people look at themselves.

These young girls (and boys) are being raised in a world that makes it far too easy to be transformed into something that isn’t natural and isn’t beautiful, but into something that is HEARTBREAKING to look at.

It’s one thing to use the filters as an adult and to play around and be silly because we know it’s ridiculous. But what’s happening is that girls now are growing up in a world that is transforming the ridiculous into the expected. It worries me.

People say I’m too overprotective because I don’t let my teenage daughter have accounts on social media. She doesn’t have snapchat, she’s never used instagram or Twitter or Facebook... I monitor her phone daily. And I take pictures of her in which she SMILES and makes normal faces that don’t look like Playboy models are making them.

And I agree with you, Justine. These kinds of filters on snapchat and instagram do make women (and children)look like anime porn stars.

As I said to @kawaiicrush yesterday, THIS needs to STOP. NOW.

And if you’re a grown ass man and you’re flirting with children, I hope a rabid stray dog attacks you and chews off your coconuts. JUST STOP.

Justine, I love you girl. Thanks for speaking out.


@paintingangels, what can one say? Perfect!! Thank you!

Youtube has disabled comments on videos with children in them for this reason. Men leaving sexual comments.

Posted using Partiko Android

but the let #elsagate pass....

I share your concerns and what's worse is her not seeing the issue. I could see getting caught up and not realizing it is confusing... Once it is pointed out to double down and justify really is concerning.

She’ll claim it’s jealousy and blame others for their sick thoughts. 🤣

  ·  6 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

If that's the case it's disgusting she would use her daughter as a tool to garner upvotes from some creepy dudes.

Posted using Partiko Android

Account owner is mis-leading....... but with that being said, the girls look very young. It should be noticeable by the commentators, IMO, even with the filters. Hell, with that being said, I'd have thought your pics to be border line teen? So yeah tricky. I suppose if one chooses to dabble in such activities on either side they had better be careful.

Agreed, Steem comment session has always been somewhat weird atmosphere.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

You're making me very conflicted here... On the one hand I absolutely agree with you and it should stop.

On the other hand that activity prompted you to post your pictures, which I fully support...

But yes, that stuff should stop, both the guys and kawaii.

First off; flirting with minors online is no joke, People get life sentence for that.

Going down the rabbit hole i see:

  • Catfishing
  • Non-consented uploading of minor's pic
  • Child Exploitation for the purpose of Profiteering

This type of stuff brings down even itself, let alone a fledgling social media like

We better self-censor these type of misconduct before others outside of the ecosystem gets interested.

By "self censor" you mean "censor others", right?

By "self censor" I mean the platform's user moderates content among themselves..

Before the majority of websites serving steem content gets a letter from DOJ.

Freedom of speech does not warrant freedom from consequence of speech.

Posted using Partiko Android

Wow, that's pretty disturbing... I can't imagine anyone who would do something like this, kinda leads me to believe the whole account could be fake and the people we are seeing in the pictures aren't on steem or aware of it at all. At this point I'm hoping it's that...

She's real. I have been watching her block all that bring this up for months on multiple platforms. I got blocked and muted and have checked back on occasion to see if it is still going on and it always is. This is a very sick situation, and the little girl is in my prayers.

Oh, there are plenty enough crazies out there.

She has a DTube channel so it's legitimately them.

Posted using Partiko Android

  ·  6 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment
  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Whoa, this is crazy! I have seen them on DTube a lot...some vidoes were cute where they were laughing a lot,etc. I never saw those comments and pics though, wow I am glad you caught that! I was just on Twitter this morning and saw something about she said she was never going on Discord again. I should of read the rest of the message lol..okay this is crazy though. I have a 12year old daughter, I made one Steem Monsters video with her and she was way too shy for anymore lol...I agree with you let's protect the kids! --- Oh No!! I just fled in a tournament as I was here reading your post and just shocked really. :-(

Hi Justine I am with you on this and it is disturbing. I wouldn't be happy with those responses.

Looks like I'm not the only one dealing with blockchain drama. 😌

My thoughts:

  • KawaiiCrush has demonstrated questionable conduct.

I hope it was just a temporary lapse in judgement and has learned. People sometimes do disturbing things for internet attention.

  • IMHO the community backlash appears somewhat disproportionate.

If it were possible for someone to be crucified in a social sense, think it would look something like what we are seeing. Of course, it's NOT your fault, @llfarms.

When we let the pitbull off the leash, we don't know how ferocious it will become. Some of the actions of the other side don't exactly help matters. Pouring fire on gasoline so to speak. 🔥

  • KawaiiCrush has been an asset to Steem.

Despite the recent shortcomings, I have observed the constant grind on Twitter and work to promote the blockchain. If possible, I hope there can be healing in this situation.

Because I just so happen to be a praying, I will make petition for reconciliation in this matter.

Posted using Partiko Android

  ·  6 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

Understand, @llfarms.

Some of those details I was not privy to and thanks for clarifying.

At this point, seems she has not yet reached the point of humbling herself and, perhaps, her pride will not allow for it. You know how they say. It comes before the fall.

Maybe this is one of those things that need some more time and self-examination after the dust has settled. In any case, I appreciate you for bringing to light this issue.

My prayers will be for all parties involved.

I can understand your feelings, but we are in a virtual world here on Steemit, so everyone can post what he wants.I know @kawaiicrush from twitter, she promote Steemit like hell...
I think until it's no porn or pedophile material everyone can post what he wants..
Stupid comments of some men?
I have much more problems with spam or shitposts with some hundred dollar rewards....
Anyway I can understand you but we should tolerate each other.
Wish you a wonderful day

Posted using Partiko Android

hi @zanoni I agree we should tolerate each other, but not wanting to pay attention of some things make you part of the problem, don't you think? This has been going on for a while now, how much can users tolerate?

How can you tolerate this:
In the following image of comments, there is a guy that knows that little 11 yo girl is her daughter, and comments "... you look so cute". You dont need to be the smartest man of the planet to conclude that was a flirty comment.

Then mommy comes in and says: "... she just keeps getting cuter"

How many more men have to make flirty and sleazy comments to test someone's tolerance?

Everyone have different perspective according to values thought at home. If it was my daughter, I would have react differently, but that's me.

ava y kawaii.png

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

I seemed to notice the examples of comments from the guys, all seemed to be
Of "Arab extraction" and we know there is a different mindset toward
Women and especially YOUNG women in that world.
I am in no way excusing nor endorsing
That, no f**king way.
It's sick

Hi @llfarms!

Your post was upvoted by @steem-ua, new Steem dApp, using UserAuthority for algorithmic post curation!
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At the end of the day we are all responsible for our own actions. Child or not, do we really want to be "that guy" that feels the need to make lecherous sleazy comments on photos of the female form?

As the Gillette ad said (and copped a lot of criticism for it), as men, we all need to be better. We need to set our own standards of what is appropriate behaviour, and that starts with showing respect to EVERYONE, regardless of gender.

Please remove the images of the child. You do not have permission to use them. Using images of a minor with out permission of the legal gaurdian is a criminal offence. Also please remove all of the slander against my daughter. People are not allowed to use names and images of minors with out permission of the legal gaurdian and certainly not to aid in harassment of the child. I am not here to argue with you. I am here to let you know you do not have permission to use those images of her whom is a minor. You have said her age and you are well aware she is under 13 therefore the law states you can not post images of minors with out permission of the parent. You do not have my permission to use those images. Thank you.

@ned @steemit @theycallmedan @nathanmars @surfermarly

Please refer to my response to get the full story for those of you who are interested. Take care guys.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Couple things:

1.) Glad you aren’t raging anymore and threatening to dox me for a comment where I stated men are confusing your underage child with you and were responding in a sexual way, and asked you to please stop what you were doing. You know, what this whole thing is about.

2.) Your response in your “letter” isn’t even close to the full story or even addressing the actual issue that was brought to you, at least if you are going to state that then make it factual.

3.) I already offered to take the photos down.

4.) There is no criminal offense here as I sourced the image and linked it to your blog.. where you gladly posted it and welcomed comments. Like I said, I would gladly take them down as this isn’t something I want on my blog.

But something I really want you to see, which I stated in my comment to you where I offered to take them down, is that ANYONE can download these images and when you combine those with your sexy nurse persona and your flirtation, what do you think they are doing with them?

I’ve said from the beginning I just wanted people (men) to know the photo you were using was not that of a grown woman, but a child. That’s it.

I have no interest in having a drama fest with you, which you have turned this into from the beginning, and anyone can see how you responded to this versus how I have. You are the one that started harassing me after one comment where I stated the response to the photos of an underage child were inappropriate. Stop trying to spin this.. and let’s just end it and move past it.

Separate the sexy persona from your underage kid, that’s the issue here. Then continue posting and your fans can love and reward you, not a baby girl who they think is you.

My DM is open at anytime, but I won’t take you threatening me anymore.

Using images of a minor with out permission of the legal gaurdian is a criminal offence.

Images are linked to your blog. What you wrote there is pretty damn stupid and its wrong.
Its not a criminal offence. It wouldnt even be a criminal offence if LLfarms took the photos of your daughter and posted it online without your permission, let alone linking to a photo you posted online.

Does this make you think twice about photographing seductive pictures of your daughter and putting them online for anyone to see, copy, paste and discuss? If YOU take them down, maybe it won’t happen again, or at least as often. If this isn’t a wake up call to you, then I hate to imagine what will eventually end up happening to your daughter that WILL be. Your job is to protect her. DO THAT.

Hmmm... interesting. One of the featured commenters I had flagged once for plagarising a post of mine. Seems like he has managed to up his REP since then....

In fairness i can see where all of the confusion lies. If you are to post photo's of your child it should be clearly stated who it is and kept separate from any other post or activity about yourself. With these shots and filters how is anybody supposed to tell the difference. I would also be disturbed by those messages knowing what i do from your post but without the full context i probably wouldn't have even looked twice at it.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

It's the last thing that we need on here would be to have that kind of user on the site. It's not acceptable behaviour in any context once they have that information and anybody doing it needs to be shut down fast. I can see where a mistake might happen bit once they know the details it's just wrong.

Hopefully it was just part of the confusion between the photos.

Posted using Partiko Android

Yeah, I’ve seen those posts and photos too... I was a little confused.

I’m with you on this one.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thank you @llfarms, for bringing this issue out into the light. I fully support you doing this. I will resteem it, to do my small part to help you with obtaining as much exposure as possible.

I can never imagine such situation can prevail is worst case one could get

Posted using Partiko Android

I just checked out her blog...most of the recent posts are pretty clear that they're pictures of her daughter...but the comments are pretty weird on some of them...and she never seems to make it clear. She just thanks them... It's soo weird...

Um...those comments aren't exactly acceptable even if they are a grown ass woman... If someone posts a picture of themselves on the internet, do you respond with "Ooh! Tasty!" No! Because that's fucking weird. Maybe if you have already established a repertoire with them, some things would be acceptable, but I think you should try to limit yourself to things like "You look nice." or if you're absolutely floored, something like "You look amazing."

Of course, everyone is different, and if you are posting sexy pics, you're bound to have a few people make somewhat sexual comments...but she was posting normal pics...of her daughter... It doesn't really matter what age her daughter is...even if she was 18, it would be weird to respond like that. I keep wondering what's gonna happen when her daughter gets older and realizes all of this. It's very weird.

So, in my opinion, those guys were totally in the wrong. They made inappropriate comments to normal pics. But the owner of the account is...deranged. I'm sorry, I can't come up with anything else. I can't seem to manage to be polite. That's really weird and messed up.

Of course, we're all humans, and sometimes we can say inappropriate things...but...the whole thing is weird. Guess it's an important thing to remember that it's the internet, and no one knows if you're a dog, or an 11 year old girl. Maybe these guys will take a lesson and realize that it's even harder to judge age through a filter...and maybe don't make such inappropriate comments on girls photos. I kinda doubt they'll learn anything though. Hopefully one or two will. Hopefully the mom will stop using her kid as perv bait to get upvotes...

Two things.

  1. Did she remove the photos of her kid after this?
  2. the way to drive the point home was to use a pic of someone else online, not yours. but whatever. hahahaha
    You seem fit, which is nice and you cant go wrong with black. 10/10.
  ·  6 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

Oh Justine, you know i like you too much to give a proper answer to this. 😏
But you know what...
I might take a similar course of action next time i want to make a point... Ill take my pants off. Lol

I agree. I am always holding back about posting a photo of my kids anywhere online incl. instagram and facebook. Don’t want to expose them to public view. They are innocent, and we all know that there are a lot of sick-minded people living in our world. I also advise everyone to be a bit more cautious, especially if it’s about our innocent children.

Posted using Partiko iOS

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

Yeah, maybe people are a bit confused because of the filters. But better being cautious beforehand than confronting with those kind of reactions.

Posted using Partiko iOS

A story from "Great expectations " or " Slumdog-millionaire " ,... what's next , poke her eyes out make her sing sad songs .

Thks for this post to point at this kind of disgusting blogs .

P.S. never put those filters on your nice 30+ years face again .
You look like a plastic waxed death puppet growing fungus from your head and nose . And lol , a Photoshopped bellybutton , could be anyone , even some fat-ass male ;-)

This exposes a very sensitive issue when it comes to a decentralized environment like Steem.

There is no way to ban bad actors like this, even those who dangle their children before an audience of predators for money.

I think the best way to handle this is to spread awareness and to keep a close eye on the account. Downvotes help to eliminate the financial incentive, but they might not be enough.

We need to be watchful for criminal behavior and maybe have a plan ready on how to inform the authorities when we do spot legitimate illegal behavior.

This might prompt the need for an account who specializes in notifying the local authorities of law breaking content?

I dont know how to that, but hopefully someone here does

Posted using Partiko Android

Twitter has a centralized authority, and it spends that power banning people for criticizing the mainstream media while protecting actual pedophiles.

It's a valid concern, but I actually feel best about the Steem community's ability to respond to threats, when compared to all the other alternatives.

Posted using Partiko Android

Yea I saw the same thing too. A few weeks ago and was quite confused.

I then just made a big curve around that account..

I just wanted to mention that the account and persons are real and no fake. You can see that on dtubw

Posted using Partiko Android

Absolutly the same as you. I was checking the nominees for the contest when I came across this account and thought it was just one hige confusing weirdness but the fact so many people supported her made it more confusing and almost legitimising. So again, like you I steered well away but on hindsight, I should have opened my mouth.

Posted using Partiko Android

She should just stop being so superficial to her kid and start using her own pics.

Then everything would be cool^^

Posted using Partiko Android

funny that we wrote about it at the same time LOL and when I saw your photo with that filter I just wanted to laugh so hard...I know it's not funny at all (the whole situation I mean), but that filter...

It's great that you are warning men to think twice before complimenting a woman or girl online without making sure of the age first. They should defo be more careful, but I also think the mom's making it confusing on purpose. Why not have a separate account for her daughter, that would make way more sense...

BTW I didn't know you were a mom too Justine =) You go girl!

Stuff like this will always prevent Steem from going mainstream, i would have thought she would have more sense than that smh...

Wow!?! Thanks for standing up and pointing this out. Confusing that people would put there own children out there like this.

Posted using Partiko iOS

It's really good that you are bringing attention to this. I'm pretty confident that most of those men commenting had no idea, but hopefully they see this post. I can understand why the men would not immediately assume it is another person though, especially since Steemit isn't exactly SFW.

Does somebody out there, with more technical knowledge than me, want to make a bot to alter viewers of her posts?

And for what it's worth, I can't honestly believe she doesn't know what she is doing. The comments make it clear how people are taking these photos. How could a parent continue to post such photos knowing how people were taking them. And with those filters I can't help but feel this may be intentional.

Okay, I somehow managed to miss the whole issue the other day, but I've just spent 10 mins on this account and I have no idea what is going on...I mean I know 10 year olds and the person in the photos (even with filter) looks way more mature in attitude and all that. But I guess you just can't know.
Man, looking at some of the's mindboggling. What kind of sick desperation would prompt you to keep on talking when it could be a kid? And who posts such pictures of their kid online?
Good grief. I really hope it's a fake account or something. Beats the alternative.

Well written post llfarms.

Didn't realise this was going on and agree 100%.

Thankyou for bringing this matter to light.


Posted using Partiko Android

Resteemed.. this came to my attention yesterday reading comments on a post. Thanks for bringing this to the forefront.

Lol gotta love Snapchat filters

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Hey, don't be confused, this is the real kawaiicrush, aka the psycho mother. I'm really sad about Ava and her example as mother.

why do you say that

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

Lol, what the fuck

Dear mam I think just a bit of misunderstanding situation has been arrive and I respect everyone's point of view.

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  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

Between you and kawaicrush

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  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

Congratulations @llfarms!
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Who uses a picture of their kid as their avatar? I mean if you just a baby, ok. But using an 11 year old, and encouraging pervy comments is messed up.

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I just found this post while doing the normal off and on steemit routine as I don't consistently post as often as I used to. So in advance sorry I missed this post and sorry I didn't get my vote in on time. It would probably be a good thing to have a community driven group of trusted steemit members with influence to create an initiative to keep an eye out on both nsfw and standard posts. The dilemma would be where to start. For example finding trusted people would be tough as this is cyber space and you never know for sure who you're dealing with or trusting. I.e the monitor group could have a sicko in its midst who is enjoying the viewing of underage content that he or she is supposed to be flagging. Second would be sp and the ability to create a block chain ghost out of the blatant offenders by flagging the shit out of the post with content that creates or suggest a child as a sexual object. Yes it would still be on the block chain, but decreasing the visibility, revoking the financial incentive for the poster, and making the content difficult to find couldn't hurt. It does send a message in regards to a decentralized platform handling its own policing. Third would be dealing with people who potentially come to the defense of someone posting explicit or suggestive content.... I don't know who in there right mind could find a way to do that, but seeing weirdos rally would not surprise me. Just look at all the suggestive shit in mainstream media that basically encourages the sexual image of kids. Sadly this mindset is passively being encouraged in today's society. I've worked with offenders, I've worked with victims. Offenders find ways to indulge themselves and their fantasies unnoticed for years until they work themselves into positions of trust or into families or social groups where they can then carry out an offence. Sadly I've also seen situations where parents will outright allow themselves to be groomed or seek financial gain from offenders while allowing their kids to be predated upon. It's sick but sadly it happens more often than people realize. We definitely don't need that shit here on steemit or on this block chain. We certainly don't need to create an environment where anyone with that type of wiring can indulge themselves. To wrap all this up though so the comment doesn't go on to long, great post and way to keep an eye out. Reading the post has switched me on alert and the way you called it to the attention of people was spot on. A plea to stop and a well rounded way of voicing disgust is a good way to put a light on the issue and if ever I come across similar content I will probably go about it in the same way. Sorry again I missed the up vote window, but definitely clicking follow.

Nice Post, got me scared for a second, but the post is better with your pic!

Can’t believe I only found this post now lol the comments are premium bbq sauce, just downright tasty! I agree this thing blew up major and it was always going to be with this woman! I met her in a Bernie comments section and she seemed nice and we got to chatting then a few days later I commented on one of her posts with a polite disagreement and it the response was insanely over the top lol we both unfollowed one another and I never heard from here again! Until now, gosh someone’s been on quite the tragetrary since then

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