- Gaining mastery is actually a sequential process. Here are the things you will need to pack for the journey.

in blog •  7 years ago  (edited)

  • Gaining mastery is actually a sequential process. Here are the things you
    will need to pack for the journey.
    image from
  • The first step to believing in yourself is to understand who you really are.
  • Set goals. This helps you in chalking out a path that you will travel on in your
    life. If you believe in yourself, you will also achieve these goals and move on
    from one point to the other.
  • Don’t just move on from one point to another like a frog does. Take time to smell
    the roses at each point.
  • Trying puts things into better perspective. Not trying doesn’t help in giving you
    a true picture of yourself.
  • You change. You aren’t what you were ten years ago. Hence, your idea of self
    must also change.
  • Mastery comes through confidence. Confidence comes through believing in
    yourself. It is a natural progression.
  • Stress comes majorly in the way of achieving mastery. Its management is one of
    the vital things that you need to do in order to succeed.
  • You become a master only when you know yourself fully well. You have to
    become the master of self first and foremost.

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good post dear haytam !

excellent words !

Embrace the change :)

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