A lighthearted look at death, religion.. and communists

in blog •  7 years ago 

" Is everything a joke to you?, " Evey said "...Only the things that matter.." Stephen Fry replies...
'V' for vendetta.


A tongue in cheek look at some 'stuff'.

I'm a little 'politics and rothchild's' depleted for the moment. (it has been a heavy week!).

BUT... that's no reason to leave other important things alone, not entirely.....

Having steered well away from any controversial subjects recently, (sarcasm for those not yet awake)...I thought I might as well continue in that same vein.

Religion (from my perspective).

Death (there is no perspective)

Communism (who cares about their perspective)

This was prompted by an exchange I had yesterday with someone.

The end of the conversations.....(in my rothschild zionism post)

…..I would not be surprised in the slightest if you were in the end some patsy jewish sympathizer.
Or full blown jew.

(he wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed, bless. Possibly one of the angriest tools, though)

.... and definitely no sense of 'wit'.
This response was to me saying " crypto jew?- is that a new currency I haven't heard about?

….And if you don't know or have never heard the term “crypto-jew” then maybe you shouldnt dive in head first on a subject that you clearly are not very well versed in.


......that got me thinking.

Firstly, I thought 'what difference would it make if I was Jewish?' I don't identify with anything except myself, so it would be irrelevant, wouldn't it ?

My words are still my words. There is no circumcision involved with my typing, or anything.
It's a blood free sport.

Then I got to thinking about this whole religion thing.....

I am not an atheist,
nor am I religious,
nor do I believe in a god,
nor do I not believe in god
nor do I believe in an after life,
nor do I not believe no afterlife.

I am truly, totally ambivalent about the whole thing.

....and this got me thinking some more, about this whole subject.

After some deep thinking – at least 3 morning coffee's an 3 cancer sticks.....

Religion (as in the organized ones) are a control mechanism.
Nothing new there of course to the average thinking person.

BUT the start of any religion (take your choice), …. will have arose from strong individuals telling weaker individuals, things that made them feel better about their life, purpose, and most importantly – their future.

Telling them how to think to make them feel happier.
(A little like today's motivational speakers...... but with less ego and definitely no complimentary bottles of spring water or vegan lunch breaks)

And it' s hard to argue why that is so wrong - if done with good intent.

The afterlife.


The afterlife - once made real by another's words - it becomes a place that is no longer feared. Dying is not the end.

It takes away their fear ...and in doing so - might actually let them live more. Feel freedom.
(being so scared of death must have a mildly paralyzing effect in your life...?)

I'm not scared of death.
In the slightest.
I have no need for religion.

And I have no need for anther's moral code to live by...(which seems to be part and parcel of this whole religion thing. )

I'm quite happy with the morale code I have, thank you very much.
The country that I grew up in is christian - and although never 'in my face' - must have had a big influence on my morale code -
From an 'independent' viewpoint, I do see the christian values within society, as the best ones to follow for a peaceful, productive life.... ( a bit less of the 'guilt thing' would go along way, though).

"Thou shalt not kill" , seems to get things off to a very good start, in my opinion, for a religion.

Anyway, this is why I am truly ambivalent about the whole death thing. Zero fear about death.

Afterlife? - cool – more things to experience.

NO afterlife? - Cool. It makes no difference what you think about it. You will be dead, and won't know anything!


.....I have been talking to this very intelligent person recently, and she is atheist. (not an oxymoron )

SO atheistic in fact, it's almost like a religion! (which is a little weird.)

She is scared to death (no pun intended), of dying.

After examining this a little more, I suddenly realized this explains why some atheists are total wankers.
And why so many of them are into the motivational speaking circuit.
They are looking for that thing that will relieve the fear. The loneliness. They live in isolation.
Egocentric to the max.
(left wing/ socialists are atheist , predominately - btw)

They are living in fear of death.... bear with me, this explains a lot.

Imagine what a shit world you would inhabit? - if you are living in this low hum, (unconcious) constant fear? Yuk.

You could not enjoy joy, or flowers, - if your world was grey with the impending fear of the grim reaper.

...... they are in a continual state of avoidance of their own reality. Projection is big on the left...

No wonder communist have no sense of humor...


.....Continuing with my thoughts (the caffeine was kicking in now), it then hit me why they are so scared.


An inability to accept that there is some greater -omnipotent – higher power to themselves .....and at the same time not being able to accept death is …..death. DEATH!
The end. The....end...

Their ego is screaming “It's not fair! me. I AM THE CENTER OF THE UNIVERSE. Me... me... me.... wahhhhhwaaaahhhhhh"
(the echo's of SJW chants......)

IF you are truly ambivalent about the whole thing, it doesn't cause any problem. Any stress. You have no fear.

And I really don't. (spiders freak me out though).

'You die if you worry, and you die if you don't, so why worry?'

This explains why religious/spiritual people (in whatever loose term you want that to mean ) tend to be more moral, and value orientated.
They have a solid foundation which gives them a place in the world, and the fear of death has been reduced to zero .

And why the athiest is selfish. Ego. me. me. me.

And why they also make for childish , angry grownups. They can't get past the "me.me.me..."

.....They are always the ones that don't get in the round of drinks at a bar - when it's their turn to buy (not without asking them to)
... and they are the one that insist on splitting a bill at a restaurant with a party of 10...
....with the 'but I only had a salad', kind of thing. (the chances are it would be a meat free salad)

The atheist (socialist, communist) is only ever concerned about 'the self'. Truly.

Deep down, after the virtue signalling subsides- all that is left is the screaming of the ego, scared to death of dying...feeling all alone....

....and misery loves company.

So they become a communist!

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I think the word used to describe your beliefs is Agnostic.
I am personally a person of faith because I have never been shown of an example of explosions and fire starting life. To my knowledge explosions and fire only end life. Of coarse I could be wrong, in my mind I'm just an animal living on a rock flying through space. When I look around and see the beauty on this rock and realize the intricate and self sustaining ecosystem, I have to believe that it is not an accident but the creation of a being well beyond my power and understanding.
Back to your research regarding the world control by the lineage of the Rothchilds. I think it's important to learn how people were manipulated in the past so we can avoid being the pawns on todays battlefield.

On atheists in america:
Most of the atheists i have conversed with aren't atheist at all, they are anti-christian. They throw out everything christian, which also means throwing out things like good-living, meaning of life. And what Jordan Peterson talks about mythology. (stories about life and learning)

Without these structures, the atheist is just blown about through life. Everything happens to them. They have no real ability to do anything. There are no guide posts or land marks to lead them and show them that they are getting somewhere.

As you said, organized religions are seriously overlaid with masses control. They didn't start out that way. They started out with people sharing spiritual experiences. Unfortunately, you get any large organization and psychopaths will find a way to the top of it, and then, the organization will be all about control.

The atheists reject the control, but also through out the spirituality and replaced it with nothing. So, there life is shallow and meaningless.

It is very sad.

...there ain't no atheist in a foxhole....lol

My ambivalence is a very 'gentle' one with the universe.

It seems to me that many atheist are a wee bit pissed off!

So you've attained Nirvana, or else you suffer from an incipient nihilism.

Nihilism is just a negative, lazy state of mind (imo)

You can have purpose if you decide to have purpose. Meaning can be whatever you choose to attach meaning to.(if you make the effort, and kick lazy into history).

Life is the point, (with or without an afterlife), and therefore for, to have no point (as in nihilism), is illogical.
(how many dead nihilists can refute this?)

Nihilism is a bit silly, and juvenile.(imo)
And best left behind with your memories of your first pubic hair...
The juvenile aspect holds water, if you consider the postmodernist's obsession with it.

There is nothing more juvenile than a post modernist adult.
(They are young teenagers still stuck in their bedrooms, that just happen to find themselves the big wide world at the same time.)

Attained nirvana?
I doubt it.
If that was truly the case, a cup of coffee would appear magically on my desk when I wanted - rather than have to go and put the kettle on every goddamn time!

Life is fantastic just as it is, until it's not.

What's not to like?

But life is suffering unless I'm wrong. There's more to dislike than full-blooded nihilist could ever hope and he might even get a thrill in this fact. But if you want meaning beyond this, you're not going to find it in life. What's your secret?

It's about perspective.

...we are all on the same train - and it has one destination.

What you make out of the journey is up to you.

(and as you never know when the train pulls into the station, this means there is no time to waste - enjoy that journey! - or not, no one is responsible for your happiness except you)

I don't have any secrets. ...maybe that's the secret! lol

A life's worth is about the road travelled, not the destination sort of deal, huh? A cliche, still I like it. But I really think you have to be blessed if you're happy. I remember learning the ancient Greek {eudaimonia} is misconstrued as 'happiness' when it actually means something more like 'the good life led.' Seeing as the best lives of history were hard and miserable by any standard, I tend to agree.

A life's worth is about the road travelled, not the destination sort of deal,

GPS has made life so predictable...😂

(never used one - I don't even have a stupid smart phone..)

If you think its an upset to me to be called a blunt tool its really not, in fact, as blunt as I was we both walked away with insight. You had a revelation, clearly, and here is yet another well written, thought out article I agree with, and somewhat thanks to me in whatever minute role I played. No disdain, no issue. In fact it is no doubt in my mind why the marxist/communist left rose so quickly to power is as you stated. The only thing I held issue with was to write off the jewish involvement entirely! That was all. Anyway happy blogging.

Also you made a few more spelling errors there jeebs, this is why you should never rebuke with grammar and spelling alone. You just cannot win the battle!

at least 3 morning coffee’s an 3 cancer sticks

That should be coffees and 3 cancer sticks.

religion (as in the organised ones) are a control mechanism.

As brackets shouldnt be included when reading the whole line you wrote “religion are a control mechanism” and it should be “religion is a control mechanism”

lol....keep going....