Coinmarket cap gone awire....? again??

in blog •  7 years ago 

I just tried a real conversion to litecoin, to check - the price works out at around $1.75

Whats happening?

...this is the second time this has happened... in the last 3 days...


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Click on "markets" and notice that HitBTC is trading SBD for $22.
Transfer of SBD on HitBTC has been down forever. However, trading is still going on inside. It really skews the numbers on CoinMarketCap.

pump 'n dump on hitbtc
just like the last time

ok, cheers- which would you recommend , sir?

live coin watch
it gives more information.

Only one exchange was showing sbd price more than it could be and that exchange was I tried to sell some sbd there but transactions were blocked there. Today sbd price was 34$ there while it was around 1.71 in every other exchanges. I think it was some technical fault.
