Does laughing at the mentally ill do any good? (apart from being funny, of course)

in blog •  7 years ago  (edited)


  • please refer to a paragraph in italics - near to the bottom of my post -for my definition of mental illness . (if you are not aware of it already).

Or just keep reading..


I think laughing at the mentally ill does a LOT OF good, on balance.

First of all, laughing is good.
Even if you are the brunt of the joke, this can be a therapy in it’s own right.

As I often say.." if you can't laugh at yourself you are missing out on the joke", and as such, this offers the chance- the opportunity - of the 'bruntee' to immerse themselves in a learning exercises. (albeit somewhat forced upon them)

Butt hurt humiliation can have many beneficial effects.

It can highlight to yourself first hand, just how brittle your ego really is.

Many do not realize the glass house they are living in, is of their own ego.
You're just not as cool - or as clever- as you thought.

Coming to the realization of knowing how stupid you are, is a liberating experience.
I found it to be the case anyway..

But there's more...

Laughing -chemically speaking - releases many different compounds (endorphins) into the blood stream, and this has effects on the body.

One of these effects....

…..showed that people who engage in joyful laughter produce brain wave frequencies similar to that of a true state of meditation. “When there is mirthful laughter, it’s as if the brain gets a workout because the gamma wave band (the only frequency found in every part of the brain) is in synch with multiple other areas that are in the same 30-40 hertz frequency. This allows for the subjective feeling states of being able to think more clearly and have more integrative thoughts.
This is of great value to individuals who need or want to revisit, reorganize, or rearrange various aspects of their lives or experiences, to make them feel whole or more focused,”

Thinking clearly is obviously lacking in the severely mentally ill, it could be argued that by enabling - by forcing - the seriously miserable fuckers to laugh, you are enabling them to think.

It would no coincidence if the world started laughing, and the whole socialist movement disappeared simultaneously..


So- back to my original idea of laughing at the mentally ill....

Undoubtedly -if still at the 'fragile glass ego' stage - it will bring on anger and attacks, as the joke teller will be the source of their discomfort.

The mentally ill will lash out in anyway they can to stop the 'hurtful' attack. (or until the ego glass cracks and they, in turn, crack a smile).

Will repetitive humorous attacks eventually crack the glass ego’s to form a genuine smile? Will we have started out on the road to sanity?

If it doesn’t of course, it may well drive them to blow their heads off. Which is most unfortunate.

Not necessary a bad thing from a societal level. (As 'the collective' is so very important to the mentally ill, it's kind of fitting the last act could to add to the collective societal happiness...mmmm).

But death is generally not pleasant, and I think we can all agree on that. Laughing is a much better answer.
And less messy, by a long shot.

Cleaning up spilled drinks off the floor, from laughter induced mess - is a way more enjoyable experience, than cleaning spilled brains off a wall.

I would venture that relentless funny attacks are the way to go.

Laugh you twat, or die...

From a Darwinian perspective as much as anything.
Survival of the happiest.

So, in that vein, I will continue in my mission to break the glass of the fragile ego'd ones- through poor humor, bad taste, and the occasional intelligent commentary.

And if they can't stand the proverbial heat in the kitchen? Jump out of the kitchen window.
(I have this 'breaking glass' thing going at the moment).

Some may say this is a very insensitive approach to many of those suffering through this mental and debilitating illness. This debilitating disease.
I say bollocks.

My definition of mental illness :
Those exhibiting socialist tendencies, and social just warrior paradox's in their perspectives of life.
Oh, and idiots of course

(being a massive idiot myself, I'm including me as targeting of such ridicule.
In the spirit of this, I will shortly post my incredibly humiliating, and ego bashing experience - and only one that a complete moron would tell to the world..)

Even now my smiles have cringing at the edges...oh the self humiliation! (I am about endure...)

Of course there are two reason for this self flagellation .

1/It's funny. cringe.

2/ I can use this as an example of not taking yourself too seriously, so when scores of people whimper, claiming victim hood and attacks.
They will have no excuse but to lighten up, and laugh at their own stupidity, or face their own ego demons.


Either way, it's mission accomplished!

(Admittedly with all the subtlety of a 12 lb sledgehammer on an egg, but hey...)

My humiliation stands out as beacon of laughing at yourself..

Don't try to come play the 'victim' with me, with the feelings of 'being attacked'

I'll laugh at you.

And why this image at the end of my post,? You might ask..

This is a part of my 'soon to published' humiliation/ego bashing precious..


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your cogitations and the visuals are well above me presently...but good humor is not

love the gif.
I've never had any idea what I'm doing - i just wing it ! lol

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

xD I know what you did there, to be fair not many people will read this because of the headline :D

but damn, I've argued for hours with a anarchist-socialist, just because it was so hard to wrap my head around his concepts, sure I had been influenced by anarcho-capitalists in the past and he was hating on them in that post and on capitalism in general, at the end of the day(night) I was deemed a capitalist for not agreeing and muted unfollowed and so on ... that's just one time when I disagreed and sadly with people's mentalities when you disagree with the wrong person shit hits the fan here, bernie is a prime example even haejin is no better in the current hypocrisy ...

well best of luck shitting out your precious :P

(it kind of looks like it maybe it's just my head playing tricks )

cheers to the #challnge30days and @dragosroua ;)
I owe my blogging beginnings to him and his initiative :)