...Exploding emails, whipping Brian Stelter.... and phrenology....

in blog •  7 years ago  (edited)


I started this post to be part of my 'guerilla wars' series, but I'm in a far to lighthearted mood. I'm in a silly mood for some reason.
Don't worry, 'a serious state of mind', service will resume shortly.. Or maybe not, who can tell what the future holds..?
To be fair, I can tell that the future holds me getting a cup of coffee. brb....


OK....where were we...oh yeah..

What is a bomb?

An exploding device designed to cause damage.

What is an explosion?

Something that goes... bang! (this is not a dictionary definition)

An email with compromising photographs could qualify as a bomb, for example......as it could cause a BIG bang...ergo, it's a bomb!
How big a bang depends on the size of the bomb, of course..

Seeing Hilary Clinton eat live babies, for example,. That would cause a much bigger explosion than any photographs of Brian Stelter stretched out on a rack, receiving his weekly beatings from his dominatrix..

(sorry for inflicting that image in your minds, but it had to be done..apologies).


Over my years of being 'in the sex industry', and encountering tens, if not hundreds of male submissives during that time....
I have seen – undoubtedly - a facial 'type' that seems to present itself along with the psychological profile of the sexually submissive male...interesting, uh? (or not, I dunno).

Strange but very true....Bringing Brian Stelter up just now, just reminded me of that little gem...for some reason, and it sent me all tangential..

(I am not a student of phrenology as a science, or anything . Or of male submissives either. - just to be clear).

....I think I need another coffee....

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Sterotypes exist for a reason.

... and, can i interest you in some brain-bleach? Its the bomb!


Hilary Clinton eat live babies,
Is that why she's hiding a back brace?
Perhaps one of them put up a fight?


supposedly, there is a high correlation between certain facial features and homosexuality. Not sure how researched it is though but, it would explain why women tend to have a better gaydar than men because they are more attentive to small indicators like this, even if they don't do it consciously.

generally , you will find it's the very good looking 'model' type, a dress sense sharp enough to cut through steel, and manicured fingernails, that gives it away!

I would be very interested in your take on my hypothesis...
(well...more a blurted out idea that has been spinning around in my head, to be honest)

....You being one of those people I perceive as more intelligent than myself, but I don't suffer insecurities about it..

That will make much more sense, once (if) you have read my post .