Gps - A very convenient trojan horse....?

in blog •  7 years ago 


Global positioning systems. GPS.

GPS is great, isn't it?
You don't have to think anymore.

All you have to do is look at the little screen, or listen to the seductive voice, and hey presto!- You have arrived at your destination.

Sounds perfect.
You don't have to worry yourself with pesky thinking.

You only have follow instructions from a computer.
You don't need to know where you are...


Circumstances of my life means that I have never used a GPS system. (it was just coming in as a new technology when I was doing my taxi driving work in London).

By choice I have never used a GPS system.

Why not, you ask?

I like to know where I am.
Call it the traveler in me, but I enjoy being lost, and I like find my way.
I like the feeling of obtaining knowledge through my own senses. It's a fun puzzle to be solved.

I know London, Hong kong, LA, and numerous other places - and know these places like the back of my hand if I were to revisit where I have previously lived before.

Still there, sat in my memory ( I do have a very good recall on places where I once lived. But that is because I spent the _effort _ to navigate my way around.

(with the weird exception of anywhere in southern hemisphere.
My sense of direction is very good. In the southern hemisphere however - I have no sense of direction.
I'm not sure why, but I put it down to the liquids in my inner ear changing direction..... or something.)

People I have talked to using GPS (who drive for a living), have told me they never really know where they are anymore. They just listen and drive, and arrive where they are supposed to be.

This is all very good. Very efficient. Computer like efficiency.
That's right, you are following instructions from a computer.

It helps you get to where you are gong, to it doesn't help you understand where you are.
It doesn't give you a sense of your environment.
It does you no favors except to be more efficient, make more money, and pay more tax.....

…. And it really introduces you to a cyber reality. A reality that tells you that AI 'knows best'.....


I wonder as to the motivations of GPS being so quickly adopted.
Mere efficiency?
Or a trojan horse to acclimatize the population to accepting technology being your boss...?
images google

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How about memorizing phone numbers? Or writing without a spell-check. Or handwriting? Or adding a few numbers in your head? Remembering birthdays of friends? We all are being dumbed down by technology if we like it or not. My car tells me that I should drink a cup of coffee if I appear to be tired. Not kidding. The next generation will crap their pants if they don't have a computer to tell them to go potty...

My car tells me that I should drink a cup of coffee if I appear to be tired. Not kidding

😂😂 brilliant! lol

Yep, anything that curbs mental agility do us no favors.
(i'm sure the powers that be, love it though)

Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance: Skynet
Our Purpose

I am the same way. I always use maps (the old school kind they used to sell at gas stations that are a relic from the past now too, now they have the convenient marts that happen to sell gas). I doubt many even know how to read a map anymore.

The sad part is the gps is yet one more way for them to track people.

Cell phone-check
credit cards to track purchase locations-check
cameras on street corners-check
social media check ins-check

They have people tagged better than livestock.

100% agree with you.

GPS is indeed a trojan

Imagine the next step, self driving cars.

Do you know where you work?

There are a lot more trojans everywhere, starting from the education getting worse, the popularization of religion and etc., everything that is intended to make people less thinking and so easier to control. Considering all of them, GPS is just a harmless and efficient orientation tool...

but you don't orientate yourself with gps, you blindly follow instruction with very little awareness of your environment. - the opposite of orientation....

I love me some GPS, it's good when you are going places you have not been before, and it tells you when exactly you will arrive. I don't like how my phone tracks my location even when I turn the GPS off though, that shit is creepy. Learning maps does change your brain, if you were a London taxi driver then your brain is significantly different from those who are not so GPS is making people dumber in that way. The garmin is just a receiver though, it does not transmit anything and you can clear the memory.