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I'm on strike for the time being so laughing at your video is just about all I could find the energy to do :)

oh, cool! watch out for more - I'm like a kid with a new toy (as opposed to an old git who has just found a new toy!)


  ·  6 years ago (edited)

u my frenz. but i might go rabid & blow cover on the god of rectal prolapse. tell me how u like my singing, then erase your tacks. ERASE all Tracks leading to this Dog. I realize I am now verging into dark waters of a stagnant cesspit. I have noted to myself I am engaging in behavior, I never would have thought I would have stooped so low. I also realize this is finally the blowback so many think I deserve.

That was funny.
Too bad it'll only get seen if you pay.

if I pay?- uh?... I don't like the sound of that...

I resteemed it, but ive got about ten readers that interact with me, and another ten that getting resteemed by me doesnt count in your favor.

These lose a bit of charm if you can actually understand what is being said.

With that being said, still funny! Also, I would love to get rid of Bitbots. Used them myself, still do, but I think we would be much better off without.

These lose a bit of charm if you can actually understand what is being said.

I can imagine...I'm working on audio - its all new to me..

I can imagine.

Funny. That meme never gets old.