I wish anarchists could tell the time....(and tie their laces) Part 1

in blog •  7 years ago  (edited)


...Because they can't. ...
They have no concept of time, reality, and political progression in the real world.

When I started writing this, I was in a very serious mood. AsIi continuedwriting it, my mood lightened somewhat- and then it became outright lightheaded!

I started laughing as I saw more and more similarities between the anarchist and the communist!

It came as a bit of a surprise, I can tell you !...and also made me understand why the apparent paradox of 'anarchy-communist' could even be a 'thing'.

Communists have no sense of humor. The sun comes up every morning.
Both of these are facts.
The communist value intellect above all (which tells you how essentially stupid they are) - to be used as a weapon to achieve superiority (as they see it.).

When you're trying t use your intellect as a club, its a hard to use it as a laughing tool at the same time.
Anarchist also seem to be suffering- somewhat- from this same disease.
Are anarchists the same as communists?

Using humor and NOT political ideology as the best metric for understanding others and their intelligence and character, it would appear to be very much so, the case...

They both exhibit severe 'head in rectum' syndrome...



Anyway, enough of the waffling...

More waffling....

Part 1

An ideology doesn't work to a clock, don't ya know? An ideology has no sense of time.
Any ideology is limited in it's intelligence, and represses the freedoms of others.
It takes no account of people.
Anarchy ideology can repress freedom....is that proof god has a sense of humor?

I don't now, but it's funny.

“We want anarchy!”
“When do we want it?”
“How are we gonna achieve it?”
“Errrrrrrr.....You statist!”.

And this seems to be the default setting.
Anarchy is an ideology. Ideologies... don't.... work.... Ever.

“But it's never been tried,” The anarchist screams.

There is a reason for that.
It doesn't work.
It has never been a system throughout history for a reason – It doesn't work.

“But it should work” The ideologue shouts.

Shoudla, woulda, coudla. ...It still doesn't work.

“People want to be free, so it must work”

No they don't.

The vast majority of people want others to lead, so they can just get on with their life. Leaders avoid them having to make decisions and having a disruptive life.

And herein lies the fundamental flaws of anarchy.

Anarchist assume what people want, without actually seeing what people want.

What we have right now is a bastardized version of it no doubt , a twisted reflection of it.
But a system that people want nonetheless.
Because we have it now, and we have had it in one form or another, since the Sumerians at least...


over 3000 years of it!!!!!

Time tells a story.
I wish anarchists could tell the time, I really do...

“Yeah, but that's just brainwashing from the statist.”

Brainwashing people to have no leaders, is still brainwashing.
Sheep require brainwashing to be happy.
Or does the anarchist value 'forced freedom' over sheep mentality and herd happiness?

“Yeah, but that cant be true. This means freedom. I only accept my truth....” says the anarchist- and the communist (just from another angle.)

"But people can choose to live with leaders, if they so wish" says the anarchist.

But other leaders don't want anarchists to live by anarchy, though - They want order.
Which means that particular square will get turned into a circle with legislation, or clubs, or guns...

"But that's not anarchy" The anarchist screams.
No it is not.
Because anarchy doesn't work.

History proves me correct.

Historically, as the human tribe was developing and finding new lands, some degree of anarchy would be present, but soon to be brought back into governance...because the _majority of people _ want leaders? perchance? And a quiet life?
Now the globe is conquered, making the anarchic spaces offered historically, now a defunct possibility.
History that the present anarchist can draw comparisons from- are now only a dream.
Short spaces in time and history where anarchy was.... before anarchy wasn't, yet once more.


Part 2 -
Why I wish anarchists were not so hypocritical... And could tell the time. (And could tie their laces)


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Fortunately, govern-cement is going to get turned on its head... no, maybe its side, while being turned inside out.

Anarchists wish everyone would follow the NAP. However, this is only for thinking, level headed, decent people. There is a good portion of the population that couldn't handle that level of freedom.

Communists wish there was a god like leader that would evenly divide everything and make it all equal, where no one goes without. And anyone who has any talent or desire, finds this stifling. Saying nothing about feeding everyone with only 5 loaves and 2 fish.

At least the anarchists know they are dreaming, and would like to continually move in that direction. Communists say, lets try it again. Maybe we can use less decimation!

But really, all of this is going to be swept aside as humanity actually finds ways that work. Step one, get rid of psychopaths in any leadership position. (because everything they touch turns corrupt) Step two, transparency. Step three, an opt in system.

Things are going to be exciting.

....pragmatism always wins over ideology.

..and you are correct - get rid of the 4% in leadership positions in every aspect of society, and all will be pretty hunky dory..

'anarchy-communist' could even be a 'thing'.
it can't. It's a class case of word hijacking.
the two are polar opposites.

regarding your remarks on anarchy.
You see a penquin and call it a deer.
when you say deer I think you're talking about a DEER.
but you're talking about a penquin.

do you see how confusing that can be?
"Anarchists of the world Unite!"


Anarchy is about that tiny, tiny percent...way to the left of the bellcurve of Dunbar's number.
we don't care for the company of other people all that much.
and just want to be left alone (pretty much)
hard core.anarchist are all individualistic introverts.
we don't play pretty without others...even other anarchists.
suggesting that there could be an anarchistic society...is just silly.

The communist value intellect above all
is that why they do so many STUPID things?
I don't THINK so.

hence my mood... from sombre to laughter, as I wrote...

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment