Know yourself, and know your place....and then enjoy your place...

in blog •  6 years ago  (edited)

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To say there are 'wolves' and there are 'sheep' in this world - in human terms - is very true.

It's also extremely reductionist.

We are all wolves, and we are all sheep, in the various different aspects of our lives.
Me included.

The sexual stereotype, for example, is not a just a myth....You know the one...
The high powered business CEO, also being a submissive sex slave to his partner in the bedroom...
And this highlights my point perfectly...

You don't have to be 'one' or the 'other'. Sheep or wolf.
Trying to be one or the other is the problem. A big problem.

It takes all sorts, and it takes different environments to bring the wolf - or the sheep - to the fore in each individual.

Too often we only see the meta narrative, in terms of the wolf/sheep paradigm. This is the reductionist perspective that I talk about.

The whole life of a person - when observed - is of no utility to the observer, and is also disservice to the observed.

NO one can know a mans heart (or womans, ok, ok).

Only the person themselves knows who they are. (and far too many do not , unfortunately).

Know yourself, and know when you are the wolf - or the sheep.

The two can live perfectly happily inside one lump of flesh - but to do so requires self knowledge - for without that, only inner conflicts, wrongly chosen paths, and unhappiness await.
It is not psychologically healthy to not know who you are...

It is seen (incorrectly) that 'the wolf' side is somehow superior , or preferential. Better .
This is untrue.
It's total bollox in fact.

Do not try to be a sheep when you are wolf - and vice versa.( sociopaths can skip this part).

Know yourself, know your place. Be happy with who you are.

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' A wolf in sheep's clothing' is the common one liner to illustrate a predator with ulterior motives, but the other option is seldom talked about, and it is well worth talking about..

'A sheep in wolfs clothing'.

While a wolf in sheeps clothing is undesirable for the sheep, so is the sheep in wolfs clothing....Maybe even more so, in fact.

People who have power acting as the wolf predator, understands what he possess, and uses it to his advantage.

People who have never had power but are then given it - by society, by money, by legislation, by government...

THESE are possibly the truly dangerous people.

Power given, and not earned - is unharnessed, and unknown, energy.

It is the totalitarian, the authoritarian, the corrupt.

They are not intimate with what power is - it's like giving a loaded gun to a child without instruction or supervision.. ....

While both the wolf in sheep's clothing, and the sheep in wolfs clothing - are duplicitous, by definition, the wolf knows how to act within the environment.
Knows how to play small, until he is ready to strike.

The sheep on the other hand doesn't know the space he inhabits. It's alien to him.
The 'unknown' power is seen everyday in the arrogant politician....

They have a new toy to play with - one they have never had before.

The wolf is different.
They have known what it feel like to have no power, growing up within the pack. They are intimate with the social dynamics of no power.
So when they 'don the fleece', they are not fake in the same way - they are playing a role that they are already long acquainted with.

Not so, the other way around with the sheep....

Which is more dangerous for society??

Looking at prominent figures - both historical ones and contemporary ones - and doing the best you can to understand the individuals, then it seems to me you can spot the sheep in wolfs clothing, if you decide to look....
It explains a lot...

While the wolf in the fleece may well be happy (it's the predator doing what he does, after all - so there's no reason to think playing the sheep would cause any unhappiness), not somuch for his opposite number.....

The sheep's nature , is not conducive to being the wolf.
It's not simpatico.

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Modern society, and marxism/socialism/communism - gives exactly that kind of structure for the individual to find themselves in. The wrong one.
One not of their nature.
One that is destined to fuck everything up, sooner or later..

History would bear this paradigm out, and not one borne from politics or sociology - just from looking at human nature's tat are not being allowed to be themselves...

Be a sheep - and be a wolf - There is nothing 'wrong' with either - just be you , and that means in whatever environment you find yourself in.

Know your place, and enjoy it....

And cant imagine a sheep living in wolfs clothing, finding life very much fun, and laughing too much.
(pSSSSSSSSt..............the left cant meme...)

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Slaves make poor masters. The humanist drivel of liberty, equality, brotherhood convinced mankind to act contrary to natural law for the past two-hundred years. Now, man is reaping the fruits of his arrogance, stupidity, and insubordination.

You hit the nail.

New Zealand is a nation of sheep - but most of them are on farms. Has Steemit got it's sheep and wolves all mixed up?

Has Steemit got it's sheep and wolves all mixed up?

big time..

An excellent post, indeed.

I wonder if all 25 of the active steemit users will read it, though? lolol