Leftist liberal media and SJW's are losing all connection with sanity...

in blog •  7 years ago 


Last week we had a decision by F1 to stop giving beautiful girls employment - in the name of political correctness.

The fact that thousands of good looking girls are out of a job does not matter in the realm of a woman's rights to work at whatever job they see fit.
Independent women, and all that...

If your values don't fit in with a feminist ideology that other women TELL you is feminism, then your voice has less value as pretty woman, than a butt ugly one.

Sports illustrated issued their first ever nude spread of some very pretty girls, being used as a skin messaging board - to show - you've guessed it - the 'me too' movement.

steemit jpegs.jpg


The 'me too' movement is supposedly being one to stop the sexual predation - and presumably objectification - of women.
How do they send this message?
By objectifying women in sports illustrated.

You couldn't make this up....NO one would believe you...

I think I need to write a post on the possibility of negative IQ levels as being 'a thing'...
Liberals seem to be the current holder of this very non prestigious accolade...

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I am a little confused as to how you are conflating Sports Illustrated with those boogie-man liberals. Sports Illustrated is hardly a bastion of liberal values.

And also a little confused as to how you start off bemoaning the decision to get rid of the pit-lane girls, and end up criticising an article in a magazine that seems to be making that same point.

(liked your article on drugs, btw!)

The 'Me too campaign' is a liberal movement.
Hypocrisy of 'supporting' the movement with naked women?

I wasn't bemoaning the point, I was talking about the hypocrisy of the feminist movement. (a guise for cutural marxism, and their useful idiots).
Women are only allowed to be 'free an' independent' as long as it's on their terms.

I hope you are less confused now.

Yes, but the hypocrisy belongs to the misguided Sports Illustrated, is my point.

I genuinely understand your criticism of the feminist movement. These are choppy waters. I suppose my issue is that feminism should be about equality, and often, these days, it isn't. Militant people ruin a lot of movements.

I support feminism, btw, when it is about equality. And to be honest, this pit lane girls thing (it happened in darts too) has me in two minds. On one level, those women are being objectified (they just are), but on another, it is their right to be objectified.

There was a peculiar occurrence a while ago - Playboy (post the Hef-death) had a transsexual centrefold, for the first time, and I found myself asking, well, is this progress. On one hand, it is great that a powerful mainstream vehicle was recognising that a transsexual woman is indeed a woman, and on the other, their way to do this was to objectify her.

See, I am a liberal, and I am proud to be one. Despite that, I understand why someone like yourself (I don't mean anything by that) would be cynical about the movement.

These are complicated times.

No offense taken! lol
I am very liberal, but these times are in the 'reset period'. And I see it going two ways - back to reality or a dystopian marxist hell.

I know which I would prefer. Freedom lies in only one of these directions.

For me, maintaining a liberal stance in the face of what is going on in these complicated times, is to support the 'evil side'.

I ain't doing that.

The real liberal ideology can only flourish with freedom as an option.. (imo)

Ah, but what is reality, really?

If you're talking about a socio-political reality, then it is entirely fluid, but seems to be constantly heading in a more "liberal" direction. This is kind of consistent with the concept of zeitgeist.

I have a theory that as movements like #metoo happen, in the short term, things go too far as they get hijacked by people that really don't understand the nuances of the movement. There is a baseline (for arguments sake, say actual equality), and the line, having been way below since forever, veers wildly in the other direction for a while.

It isn't right, and there is collateral damage. It is what it is though.


why...why....I'm mean...

LOLOL. I can hardly describe myself as conservative, knowing my own lifestyle...
...doesn't change my values. Why am I defending myself? lolol

I've been talking to a liberal?


Yanno, most people have a few liberal values. Tell me, why are so many Americans so scared of liberals?