Psychopaths and tennis....

in blog •  7 years ago 


Around 4% of our population are in the psychopath/sociopaths category (including extreme narcissists).

That is 4 people in a hundred, folks....and you know 100 people , right?
Which 4 of the people you know are in that category? None?

None is probably the most common answer. It is probably - mathematically speaking - incorrect.

Coming from a background of an in inordinately large amount of 'these people', I have spent time studying this subject.

The blindness to seeing 'them', is their strength.
If shown to light, the social pattern of behaviors is generally massive destruction, or more frequently - moving on to another social circle entirely.

Identifying these individuals is the problem...

Anyone who has ever played any amount of racquet sports can grasp the problem facing us.

I know that sounds strange, but just bear with me on this...

Left handed people make up around 12% of the worlds population. That is 3x more than the personality types I just mentioned.
That makes them a lot more less noticeable ...and if only it were as easy as that.


As a racquet sports player (I was pretty talented), I had a massive advantage over my opponents.

I am a 'lefty' – in my natural hand choice , not politics- I hasten to add.

I played right handed players 90% - or more- of the time.

On the other hand (no pun intended) right handed players rarely played a left hander.

The backhand shots played, went to my forehand, and vice versa - the opposite places they were intended – because I was left handed.

They then had to start to 'think' - consciously, and change their game accordingly once they knew this fact.
But shots had to be thought about, not instinctively executed.

And thus giving me a very big advantage..

I was always left handed of course - and I didn't need to think about the game play in the slightest – for me, I was playing on my instincts of being left handed.

And when I did play a left hander ?- it was hard

And so it is with spotting psychopaths/sociopaths.

They have played with the same 'hand' all their life, of lies, deception, mind games. It is their instinct, and not learned.

'We' - the psychological right handers if you will -mostly play against other right handers (96% of the time in fact) regular people, and we don't have to think about interactions of duplicity, mind games, and deceptions.


And this puts 'us' at a constant disadvantage.
What the sociopaths are doing quite naturally, are 'mind movements' for 'us' - we have to think about them.

The answer to this problem?- I only wish I knew.

Play more tennis? lol

If I did know I would be rich, or dead..... But I'm working on it.... (the rich part, not the dead part)

images google.

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Interesting analogy between lefthanded tennis players and sociopaths! Makes me think it's pretty sick that these people somehow win the race of life without even being able to be happy about it :(

Oh, don't ever think they are not happy....they are. Just not in same way the rest of us are..

wonder what the ratio is in certain professions?

law, politics, -(and psychotherapy & counseling) appears to attract them.
There have studies done on it.

The majority is corporate structures - they can elevate through hierarchies without being noticed, and sabotaging their colleagues along the way, to get to the top..

orifice poly-ticks.
yup...heard of it.

wonder how many pedophiles are teachers?

are you conflating the 4% with pedophilia? - I don't know, is the answer.

I would say pedophilia would have quite a bit highr than the 4% in it's ranks, for obvious reasons.

Teachers? - No so much I don't think.
Conformists, insecure, that like authority and order- not the typical 4% profile

it's been my observation that predators go where the prey is.

It is a very logical thought.

this is conjecture...

from the 4% angle

... if is not pedo related - it is not an environment that is easily controlled.
Not much room for manipulation of their peers. (outside of pupils)

If we are talking the 4% with pedo tendencies, I would say other places are more 'interesting' to them..
One quarter of of these 4 % - have no fear gene.

(the hunt is the thrill - it is not an organic predator prey dynamics as we understand it - that is a natural order - these people are anything but living the 'natural order,' if you see what I mean. The game _is the point.)

wow...'right! ...once upon a time i was an avid tennis fellow, just loved to smack the heck out of that ball (I wasn't too bad)..always found it a great release than other things (which likely would have landed me in the brig or the local constabulary).. Lefty's were all always a problem... the power stroke right to their strength. Then again....these leftys' remain...a problem.

The answer to this problem?

Stay out of jail!

omg - help me. I need money....

Dramatic enough? This is ridiculous.

I'm confused...............? - what's happening?

You can see this post about my son. I am going to do another for my situation here in Thailand. I have all this money and can't get any of it!

Pulling my hair out and that is not a good look for me. least you have some hair to pull out, ! lol

I guess there is a bright side :)

I read an equally interesting post on HONY the other day. I think more talks about sociopaths/psychopaths are opening up, and it's interesting to read.

shine the light on 'em and they go away...

The only answer once you spot a sociopath/psychopath is to walk away. They will only drag you into their web of madness if you don't.

agreed, but it doesn't solve the problem - they still exist for others to encounter..

True. And sadly the mainstream concludes that treatment is not a cure and rarely works.

it's the way they are wired. not software