Rescource depletion....Guerilla wars ...part 4

in blog •  7 years ago  (edited)

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Stand by yer beds!

OK, so now you think you have changed your mindset. Excellent.

Now you think you have beaten the 'psychology of irrelevance'. Brilliant.

Now you think you are 'ready'. Maybe.

Now you need to wake up and smell the coffee.
You are most probably non of those things.

This is not a criticism of anyone, just always good to have a reality check.

(the first casualty in this war,) not... a... game.

OK, so now we are back in the land of reality, lets press on...

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Depleting the enemies resources.

Resources come in many forms, both of the tangible and intangible kind..

The 'intangible' are the softer targets, the 'tangible' are a hard target, and present different obstacles.

Soft targets....

Psychological warfare essentially, using various tools to change the thinking, and then actions, of an enemy target.
Tools can be societal (community) pressures, to information exposed more broadly.

Truth brought to the light of day, is a very powerful weapon against those who live in the dark...

Truth is our weapon of choice.
And while truth as a constant ally to us, it is an awkward ally to those in power.
We can use their own weapons against them. Subterfuge, spying, manipulation. Pressure.
We can wield these weapons just as well as them - once we have the correct mindset.


....can never use truth as weapon very proficiently.
'Their' very nature means it will always slip from their grasp, and their brief alliance with 'the truth' broken.
In it's vacuum, lies will fill it. Their natural ally.

We will always have that advantage.

And if we don't posses that advantage any longer? Well, then we have crossed over to the enemies lines, without even realizing it. Corrupted.

Truth as an offensive weapon, almost acts like an 'integrity barometer'.....

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Change in an individual - the enemy - occurs for one reason only . ( in context of this subject).

The pain of the new paradigm is less painful than the one they are currently in.

Ergo - you make their current paradigm, less,.... and less,.... and less,.... and less , attractive in comparison to their other options, their new 'offered' paradigm....
....nip, nip, nip.

Make the enemy fear your next action.

This can be very effective.
It clogs the mind.
Clarity is replaced by doubt, and action by inertia.
Bad choices replace good ones...

The fear of your next action, changes their own mindset.
It changes from an offensive, to a defensive, posture.
It changes from action, to re action.

It hands 'the initiative' to you.

Initiative in the case on 'non tangible's' means information.
A lever, predominantly.
Information that can hurt.

Let' s go Hegelian....Problem, reaction, solution

…...hypothetical situation.

PROBLEM (for the enemy)
....You have obtained incriminating evidence on a judge. SO incriminating it would destroy his entire life.

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His next case is 'the crown v Tommy Robinson'.

You say 'hi', and remind him of his judicial, and constitutional, responsibilities.
Remind him how the world is watching.
And at the same time remind him of the power of the internet these days.
Explain the ways distributing images, text, and sound recordings worldwide- is possible in just seconds.
To everyone - even his family face book page.
Imagine that!?

The reaction and solution are not 'knowns'. The problem - the attack- IS a known.

There are various options open to the defender in this scenario - in terms of reaction, and solution.

But we 'win' , whatever options are chosen.

We win big if the options they choose go as 'we' would wish. (let Tommy go free).

We win big if they don't. (with a little forward planning).
A judge will be exposed, a court case will be highlighted, and injustice shown. 'The system' will have lost a 'big player', and potentially recruited one to 'our side'.

YOU may lose. You may have your liberty taken away. (or even worse, considering the state of affairs we are currently in).

You expect casualties, but just as long as it's not you , right?
How's that changed mindset coming along...?

You have just depleted the resources of the enemy, one way or another.

You have won a victory against corrupt, the evil, the liars.

That is the name of the game.
Bring the enemy to it's knees through lack of resources.

Materially of course, there is no way we can ever compete with 'them', and this is why the whole principle of how leverage works, and it's multiplier effects are so important as to be hardwired into the brain.

You might not be able to stop an army, but can can persuade ONE person - the general - to change their plan.

You just need the right leverage and an understanding that the leverage you apply presents them with their own question..

'Which is the least painful paradigm, for me to live in...'

A very brief history lesson on just how effective resource depletion can really be..
...and also how knowing history can be a lethal weapon in your arsenal. Knowledge is power, as they say....

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Russia didn't need to fight a single battle when Napoleon invaded Russia, back in 1812.
Not one.

The big battle of Borodino was big, and bloody, and a total waste of Russian resources.
The battle was due to political pressures only, and not military ones. (The fear of the morale of the Russian peoples).
The tzsar was weak and misinformed.
Information is valuable.

Kutuzov, the Russian army commander knew fighting was unnecessary.. which is why he continually withdrew his troops in the face of the french, from the moment of the french invasion. (only changing his strategy at Boridino, for political reasons).

He knew that geographical distances (lines of supply), and the Russian winter. He had intelligence sources of the equipment of the French army was carrying with them.
He 'invented' the 'scorched earth policy' as a means of war.
Denial of resources.

The Russian winter and the perpetual guerrilla warfare on the french, as they were leaving Russia destroyed the French as a fighting force.

The Grande Armée was a very large force, numbering 680,000 soldiers upon entering Russia...

When the remnants of Napoleon's main army crossed the Berezina River in late November, only 27,000 effective soldiers remained;

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A fighting force of over half a million men, whittled down to 27,000! (overwhelmingly without fighting.)

In the context of our PEACEFUL war, what can we draw from this story in history?

Denial of resources to the enemy, can avert an open bloody conflict !

Deny resources now, may avert an open war in the future...

'Soft tangible's' to deny to the enemy

Politicians obedience.(or disobedience)
Lawyers 'sense of justice'
Judges 'sense of justice'
Court staff's allegiance to correct procedure.
Law officers allegiances to correct law procedure.
Law officer 'inefficiency in carrying out unlawful procedure.'
Law officers refusal to follow illegal orders.
Law officers and espionage.
A reporters need for 'truthful' reporting.
Reporters access to classified, (or very secret) material within an organization.

'Transport efficiency' (or inefficiency) of hard copy materials from place A to Place B .
(still a legal requirement in many cases).

.....this takes on plethora of possibilities and avenues - these just being the first things that came to mind while typing...

There are literally thousands of angles in which to approach, and attack - the enemy.

They all start with leverage on the target. .... And leverage can lead to espionage. And sabotage.

Everything in the list above is made up of one common denominator - systems. Systems made up of people.

People with families, communities, peers and workmates.
People most probably with secrets that they would prefer to be kept that way.
People have skeletons.
Skeletons can be leverage.

The man or woman with no skeletons is an enemy to be avoided in this guerilla war.
And an ally to be embraced.

Rarely will your activities cause any perceived mayhem.
But this is war, not an ego trip.
If warriors fight and win, there will be a cost - to the enemy. Seen or unseen.
Nip... nip.... nip....
Plan your action. Structure you strategy. Keep it close.
Get active.

6 degrees of separation - It may be true - or it may not be...I don't know.

What is most definitely true, is that you are much closer to people that 'matter', than you think....
Work it.
Plan your strategy...

My new stories - under the tags 'fiction' and 'story', will be full of useful little nuggets of information, btw... Just sayin'....
It's hard to tell when fact and fiction cross over....woodwormand @lucyreloaded...Saving private Amy

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Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance: Tactics
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perfect ,,, i like with successful people like you. sorry if wrong with my comment !! thanks.

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