In South America the third Sunday of June is traditionally celebrated as Father's Day, in the case of Venezuela it is customary to give a perfume, underwear, and to entertain fathers it is also customary to make asados or sancocho (boiled or soup made with meats, tubers, and vegetables), in some cases not so recurrent the gift of books is also an option.
On this day of celebration to fathers, I felt it appropriate to write and dedicate a few brief lines to the role of the father figure in the family, the role of fathers is linked to the very survival of society, as they enable, in the first instance the role of guiding and training future generations.
The role of parents is crucial in any society, since parents lead the integral development of their children by fostering life values, an element that later achieves the harmonious integration of the individual with his environment. Specifically, a father fosters values towards the humanization and proper functioning of the entire family system.
When I say that the father seeks the proper functioning of the entire family system, I mean that he seeks the well-being of each member of his family nucleus, fundamentally by accompanying the discovery of the personal identity of the children, a role that makes them unique, unrepeatable and irreplaceable.
That of unique, unrepeatable and irreplaceable, I express it that way because when the father figure for any reason is absent from the family nucleus, in many cases the children show behavioral disorders, this according to experts occurs because the children feel they have lost the element that gives them protection, hence, those of us who are fortunate to have a father by our side, valuing them for their mission is the least we can give them.