Times are changing and our state of consciousness and the resulting lifestyle must be able to adapt to new possibilities that emerge quickly in successive waves.
I believe we can all feel that a new phase has begun in the last few weeks opening the door to new opportunities to express ourselves in a more and more free and authentic way. It is easier to see things from a higher perspective. It is easier to understand the difference between the old state of mind of the human being, the one where the same old story is constantly repeated in our lives, and the new state of mind where we becomes a conscious actor who can make new choices in the same old situations. This is how history can be rewritten and truly changed.
This new state of mind takes shape when we are able to implant new habits, to act in a new way, in other words when we begin to make conscious and deliberate choices. It's about understanding how we operate and what tools we have to choose and discern. The time of learning and finished. We are now at the stage where we must live and experiment with what it means to be a new human!
In order to be able to express this new state of being, we must start from a point of view that allows us to know and accept that we are at the center of our reality and that everything starts from the inside to be reflected later in life. 'outside. Everything that happens in us, everything we think, believe, and say, just as all the words we hear or the situations we observe are a reflection of our state of being. In other words, the way we perceive and interpret things is a projection of our consciousness. This is why the circumstances of our lives always give us exactly the opportunities we need to regain our power over ourselves, because we have the power to direct and control our energy (thoughts, emotions, beliefs ...).
The key to allowing this new state of mind to take shape is to become aware at all times of what is happening in us. We have extraordinary tools that constantly give us information about ourselves and everything around us. These tools are our physical and energetic sensations as well as our emotions and feelings. Our first task is to listen to everything that happens in us. Because that's how we can get the information that allows us to decide and choose the direction we want to take. It is not always easy because we have learned either to give little importance to our feelings, or to deny them. And yet, it is essential to reconnect with our ability to feel.
A conscious human being, who has integrated knowledge about his true nature, which is infinite and multidimensional, knows how to remain in communion with the flow of universal energy that nourishes him and makes him feel united to others. This state of communion is simply a feeling of inner wholeness, unity with others, connection with nature, joy of living, inspiration and creativity. As soon as we are no longer in this vibrational alignment, we can feel it through emotions that make us feel bad, such as being distracted, disoriented, frustrated, angry or discouraged, or by physical sensations like ills. headache, fatigue, etc. which often translate a state of resistance and contraction. These sensations indicate a state of restriction that blocks the circulation of the flow of energy. That's why, as soon as you become aware of such sensations, you know that you resist in one way or another to express your deep nature. You accept as true in your life something that is not in accord with your real nature which is directed by unconditional love.
To love each other and to love others unconditionally, to be able to accept oneself as one is and to accept others as they are, without judgment, is at the base of this new state of being. This is why we must see every conflict, every challenge that presents itself as an opportunity for transformation, that is, an opportunity to learn to truly love. This is an opportunity that allows us to let go of our old way of perceiving ourselves and others. One of the biggest difficulties of this process is to accept that the apparent problem is never outside of us. What is present on the outside is only a reflection of our own energy. It's not the other person, the situation or the system in which you operate that creates the problem. It is rather.
Thanks for reading,@mageofor