Tips on Planting Vegetables and Fruits in the yard of the house.

in blog •  7 years ago 


Well, sounds difficult to realize? Limited space and lack of knowledge about planting-planting is a bottleneck, but not baseball can be realized loh! This time @matgardening will discuss about tips and tricks in planting vegetables or fruit at home for friends RecepKoki who wants to cook from their own harvest, ala ala chef abroad so. Let's see the following tips:

Choosing the right planting medium

Maybe you want to have your own garden, but what power if the available land in the house is very narrow or even ladies have no garden at all. There are two types of planting media that can be used in accordance with the area of ​​land that you have:

  1. If you have a large soil, you have the ability to experiment with planting different types of plants. But before planting the seeds, do not forget to spray the soil and clean the soil from the weeds yes! Soil erosion can also be helped by sprinkling fertilizer to enrich soil fertility.

  2. For those who have a small garden or land area, you can try to plant by using polybag planting media. Well what is a polybag, surely you wonder in heart right. Polybag is a land wrapped with black plastic, which is also equipped with pores for air and water circulation. Yummy polybag is sold with various sizes of loh, so you can adjust the size with the type of plant you want later.

However, there is a need to note ya. If you plant using polybag from seed, prepare at least two polybags yes. Because one will be used as a seedbed seedling medium before it is finally planted.


Determine the types of vegetables and fruit that are easily grown at home

After deciding which planting medium is right, now see first ya kind of vegetables or fruit that you can plant yourself. The most easily grown vegetables in the home include chili, tomato and ginger. Well, now @matgardening will share information about some types of plants that you can plant in your garden.

1. Chilli (Chili)

How to grow chili is easy. Create a vertical ground path and plant chili on the ground with a distance of 10 cm each seed. Flush with water and cover with wet sack for 4 days. Yes! You have successfully planted chili in your garden now. Usually chili plants will start to bear fruit after 2.5-3 months depending on the type of seed you use.

2. Tomatoes

To grow tomatoes is more advisable to use polybags than in the vast ground. First of all do a seedbed by planting tomato seeds in your polybags. Sirami are diligent every morning twice a day for 30 days. Well, when it starts growing and at least have five leaves, move the prospective plant of your tomatoes to a larger polybag. When removing the plant from the first polybag, do it carefully yes ladies! Do not let your tomato plant roots become damaged or broken.

3. Onions

Onions can be grown on large ground or in polybags. The process is also not much different really with the process of planting chili and tomato. Only onion planting is recommended to be done in the morning. Why is that so? This is because the plants need a cool atmosphere in order to grow to the maximum. So, put the pot of your onion in a cool place yes.

4. Celery

The process of planting celery requires more effort to maximize the results. Because in addition to the seedbed process that is planting seeds in the soil for 15 days and watering with water that has been mixed with fertilizer for 5 days, you also need the process of giving lime or dolomite on the ground. It takes more effort is in the early stages but if you already have seeds with 3-4 leaves and wait for about 1-3 months, tadaa! Now you can get quoted celery from your own garden.

5. Ginger

Ginger crop baseball requires a large area of ​​land so really suitable for you who just have a piece of land. However, before planting you need to provide a mixture of soil with manure (3: 1 ratio) and breed ginger by storing it in a humid and closed place. The goal is to grow the shoots from the ginger seeds are ladies. If you already have at least 2 buds, now stay in planting in the polybag or garden behind your house. It's easy.

6. Turmeric

Turmeric can be grown very easily because you can use turmeric in your kitchen as a seed. However, turmeric that you use at least 7-12 months old and has 1-3 eye buds yes. If you already have turmeric, you just need to do breeding and planting as in the process of ginger plants. Only, after growing buds approximately 3 cm, it is advisable to move the turmeric plants to the soil or new polybag so that the growth can take place better.

7. Pandan leaves

The last type of plant that @matgardening discuss is pandan leaves. Pandan leaves are also flexible because it can be planted in large soil or in polybags. The difficulty of planting pandan leaves is you must be diligent in watering this plant because pandan leaves are very fond of water. So make sure you put this plant pot in a moist area yes! For the planting process itself, you can use old pandan leaves as seeds grown in wet soil. Two to three months later, you can already harvest the pandan leaves you planted.

Maintain the freshness of the plant

Already succeeded in planting crops right? Well it's time to wait for the plant to be harvested and produce. Good results must be well cared for, yes. Therefore, RecipeKoki will give 3 main tips in taking care of the freshness of the plant.

  1. Flush your crops diligently at least once each day. Be careful that when watering do not get to her own personality and even so flood water loh ladies. Do not you want your plants to die because most of them drink water.

  2. Diligent-diligent do soil moisture and fertilizer to add nutrients. But you should use natural fertilizer well. It's been a lot of natural fertilizer sold and easily obtained. As long as everything is grown alone, it's no harm we make sure everything comes from natural ingredients. Come on, back to nature!

  3. Provide natural pesticides to keep the plants away from pests. Natural pesticides you can buy or make yourself if you have a lot of time. Yup, the natural is certainly better.

So how? It was easy to plant vegetables or fruits at home. A little challenging is more precise. Ladies also do not have to have large land to be able to enjoy the harvest from the garden itself. Enjoying the harvested vegetables can also support a healthier life.

Thanks for you atention and see you @matgardening

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