(Scientific name: Heliopai personatus) or Molecular Fisherman Heliornithidae bairds

in blog •  7 years ago 

Kalomukh Parapakhi (Scientific name: Heliopais personatus) or Molecule Falter Heliouanithidae (Heliornitidaidae) or family belonging to Heliopais (Heliopolis)
Very rare swimsuit hyacinth of the species. [1] [2] Kalamukh Parapakhi's scientific name means masked sunshine (Greek helios = sun, pais = children;
Latin personatus = masks). [2] The birds live in just a few places all over the world. Their expansion covers only 33 thousand 600 square kilometers of the Earth. [3] For the past few decades, their numbers have decreased in alarming rates, and some of their previous chances are probably theirs
Extinct That's why I U. C. N. This species is declared to be endangered. [4] This species is preserved in Wildlife Act of Bangladesh. [2] BirdLife International has reported about 600 to 1700 total blacksmith parapakhi in the world. [3] Again, the number of members of this species is estimated to be less than 1000.
The species has no sub-species and it is the only species belonging to the Heliopais mass. Among the three species of the Heliornithidae tribe, blackjack parapakhi is one. The other two species are the "Podica senegalensis" and the Heliornis fulica in Africa.
Bangladesh, Northeast India, Myanmar,
Thailand, Cambodia, Laos,
Vietnam, Malay Peninsula and
This species is found in Indonesia's Java and Sumatra's few areas. In 1996, a parapakhi was seen in Sumatra. The bird was seen only once in Jawa. In the Sundarbans Bangladesh section, they were found to be reproduced and circulated regularly. [5] These were found in Bharatpur district of India in 2006.
They are likely to survive in the north of Assam. In addition, they were found to be seen in Cambodia, Thailand and Malay Peninsula recently. They are usually seen in the remote areas of Kachin province of Myanmar. A survey run in the early 21st century has found satisfactory results in this region. It is believed that the largest group of Kalamukh Parapakhi resides in this region. More recently, news of their breeding has been reported in Cambodia and Myanmar. [3]
Blackjack parapakhi outwardly
Though they seem like piglets, their bodies are big and tall. Their length is approximately 56 cm, wings 24 centimeters, lips 5 cm, feet 4.8 centimeters, and tail 11 centimeters. There are several variations in the appearance of both male and female birds. The back side of the olive-brown and the stomach-side color slightly flushed. The primary feathers of wings are dark olive-brown. There is no limb, but the toes on the toes have a leaf-like leaf. Legs and feet of peas are green and green. The forehead and the face are black, the black strips are seen in the top. Two black strips have fallen on both sides of the eye from the bottom to the throat. The black color abundance creates a mask of face. This mask is largely responsible for the English name of the species. The white stripe from the back of the eye stretches towards the neck. Thin and throat part is white. The eyes are red-brown and eye-shaped pea-green. The lips are long and firm. The upper lip has the armor. The color of the lip is bright yellow, in which the brown middle is visible. Feeling tender in feathers Masks vary between wife and male parapakhi. The forehead of the male bird, the neck and neck of the neck is black; But the wife is below the neck of the bird's neck and the upper part of the neck is white. Minor bird gray. There is no difference between the face and the birds in the face with the bird. [1] [2]
Image depicted by Joseph Wolf in 1848
Kalamukh Parapakhi is very shy and very rare because they are very rarely known about them. The plants roam the wetlands, flooded forests, the canals of Paraban and the evergreen forests. In the Bangladesh part of the Sundarbans, they have always been seen to flutter in the water; Saltwater has never been seen in water. [6] It travels alone, in pairs, or in small family groups. Walking in mud or swimming in shallow water swim food. The diet includes mudskiper, small fish, aquatic insects, snails, shrimp and other underwater invertebrates. Fearing, only the lips and head are submerged in water. Or run away in hiding. They rest on the hanging branches of trees on the water. Occasionally in the voice of a duck, you can call the voice of curcu. [2] Although they are very shy, they tend to behave like pets duck in breeding season. Do not run away, but rather many come out. Because of this, they are more likely to die in human hands. [5]
Stuffed blackjack parapakhi, Geneva
Monsoon Parapakhi breeding season in the rainy season or the end of monsoon Originally they are home from July to August. At this time, the trees grow up to 1-3 meters above the surface of the tree and in the large branches of the trees, behind the thick leaf, the branches with stems make bulbous houses. Dry aquatic plant is the main ingredient of the house. Named after laying down the house. The eggs are greenish white. There is a big chase in the dawn above. Pour 3-6 eggs each time. Egg size is 5.2 × 4.3 cm. [2] Both wife and male parapakhi give them eggs. 10-12 days before the furrow, the male bird went away elsewhere and came back again.# **

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