I'm back!

in blog •  7 months ago 

It looks like the platform here has been dwindling down since I left here. So here's an update on what I've been up to since I left.


(Gotta pay the selfie tax)

I've become a tiktok shop creator.. unfortunately, this is not as glorious as it seemed at first. Companies send me free samples in e change for video reviews and making ads. That part is amazing and I appreciate the opportunity. The issue is, I am extremely limited on what I can and cannot say about the products.

For example. I was given exercise equipment. A week after recieving the equipment, the guidelines were changed to where I am not allowed to say: Exercise, weight, weight-loss, fatburn or anything that could possibly have to do with any sort of body image.

Link to the ziwwvy stepper for tax: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRoboS7p/

So, due to app restrictions I've resprted to uploading more in depth content to other apps in hopes of reaching larger audiences so I can still get my commissions, give informed reviews and also, not violate guidelines.

Here is an example of my youtube unboxing:

Notice how there are more product links allowed to mlbe posted, I was able to go more in depth, and I feel a bit more comfortable with talking about product and product use. So for now on tiktok is likely just going to get second hand content until they fix the guidelines for their products.

Alternatively, if you like my style here are some ways you can continue to support me!

Follow my tiktok and shop from my showcase!
Profile: https://www.tiktok.com/@mercurymillions?_t=8oZJN85eoX8&_r=1
Showcase: https://vt.tiktok.com/ZTNV6kh5w/?page=TikTokShop

Visit my Facebook profile and check out my reels!
Heres my most recent reel:

Got insta? Me too!

Find me on Lemon8

Support my pinned post on X:

What it really comes down to, is I really need engagements. If you can think of a question, even if you already think you know the answer, ask it anyways. All it does is help my content reach a bigger audience. Same with sharing my content with people who may enjoy it, any form of positive interactions and engagements.

Keep in mind! You get back what you put in with me!

Please ask questions in the comments, it helps me create better content for you all, and helps me improve my blog.

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