Hey Guys and Girls. Welcome to another installment of quick, easy and most importantly free tips regarding any online and marketing activity around today. Nice to have you here, now get a nice cup of coffee and enjoy.
Why you should have a blog or better yet why you need a blog!
Do you want to earn extra income every month online?
Do you want to possibly travel the world whilst earning money online to fund your travel?
Are you in marketing and want to learn physically how to improve your game? 91% of companies are already using content marketing - https://themarketinghelpline.com/content-marketing-stats/
Do you want to try and test different strategies and see first hand what works and what doesn't and then possibly implement these in your professional career?
Do you want to improve your CV and boost your chances of a promotion or your dream Job?
If your answer is yes to any of the above then you have to set up a blog, you just have to - plain and simple.
How to Start Your Blog Immediately
Step 1: Think of a name for your new blog, this could include your own name, your pet's name, a made up name, anything you want. (1 minute)
Step 2: Go to 123-reg and see if your domain is available, I recommend a .com, .org, .net or a local domain such as .co.uk, .fr, .de, etc. If there is no option available try the same extensions but a different name until you reach your ideal name. (1 minute)
Step 3: Register your domain and wordpress hosting with JustHost (Click here to check them out) - I really recommend them because they are super cheap, they have a one click wordpress hosting option and their customer service is faultless. (2 minutes)
Step 4: Install wordpress with one click on the domain. (1 minute)
There you go you are all set up with a blog in less than 5 minutes and ready to start blogging. But to start perfecting the site I would recommend you also do the following:
How to perfect the look and functionality of your blog:
Step 5: Purchase a professional Theme / Layout for your blog so that it looks the part to fit your vision. I would recommend you use ThemeForest (See their site here) as they have very affordable prices and thousands of templates to choose from. (5 minutes)
Step 6: Set up a Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus account for your blog so you can share your latest posts and start up a following or an online 'cult. (5 minutes)
Step 7: Set up a Google Analytics and Webmaster Tools account for your website so you can track how many people come to your website and if there are any errors on the site. (5 minutes)
Step 8: Install SEO Wordpress Plugin by Mervin so you can change title, description and include your tracking accounts on the site. (1 minute)
Step 9: Start blogging what's on your mind. Write what's in your soul.
Step 10: Rinse and Repeat the step above whenever you have a spare moment or you are bored.
Boom, done and dusted you are now officially online. Once you start putting your thoughts or views on the web you will find yourself researching on how to market your blog and then once your marketing efforts start taking effect you will find yourself researching on how to monetize this traffic and once you are earning you will find yourself researching on how to increase the conversion rate in order to increase your revenue.
For less than the price of a coffee a week or even a coffee a month you now have the chance to potentially earn more than you have ever dreamed of from the comfort of your sofa whilst surfing the web in your jammies. You will be hooked trust me and you will learn more than you ever wished to learn.
Personally for me when I first got into SEO I wanted to play around on my own blog and test different SEO strategies. I could try and push the boundaries and see what worked, what didn't, replicate the goods, avoid the negatives, if any activity of mine got my blog penalized then definitely avoid it with regards to the corporate sites I was employed to work on.
Funnily enough what turned out as a one hour a week practical experiment has not only taught me more than any job could ever do but has also rewarded me financially more than any job has ever done.
So why are you still working for someone or why do you not become a full time blogger? This is a question I get asked regularly and even though I have posted snapshots proving how much I have earned in the past or roadmaps to the success of some of my blogs including full details such as the url, traffic, metrics this question will always be asked. Personally I have used the money to fund the purchase of my home and most importantly a revolutionary product I am planning on launching in the coming months. For many people the motivation will be from the earnings they gain but for some it will be the experience they go through.
The most fascinating part of the whole process for me was not the regular payments or the overall amount of money I made at the end of the year but the time I changed the color of my site's calls to action and doubled the conversion rate & revenue or the time I Increased my social media efforts and shot up the search engine ranks within days. Those are the most fascinating events to me and that helped me become a better professional and a better SEO'er (if that is a word).
I am sure if you ask the founder of The Huffington Post or Forbes which part they enjoyed the most throughout the birth of their companies till now I am confident that even though all the nice perks billions can buy they would say it was the experience of turning an idea into reality and seeing it succeed. Better yet ensuring it succeeded. I mean a mansion, a Bugatti or a five star holiday is also right their near the top but I believe the experience, the 'journey' triumphed over all.
A recommendation I have instilled in all the companies I have worked for recently is for that all employees start up a blog, even if they touch it once a month or once a year at least they start one but sadly I have come across every single excuse there is including the famous 'I just don't have the time' one. Well what if I told you it takes less than five minutes to get a blog started? And an hour a week or a couple of hours a month to maintain? Don't believe me well than give the above steps a try.
Go ahead and prosper my friends.