in blog •  7 years ago 


The famous Toynbee, a guy rich in neurons, an interesting theory of historical patterns, the least preposterous of those planted in that field. In his idea, he focuses on history as a succession of events, where patterns repeat themselves over the centuries, which repeat themselves more than a chapter of The Simpsons.

Thus, the empires live a phase of splendor and boom, in quality, the barbarian territories and warriors, there is no moral morality other than war, imposing sin on the weaker enemies; these were defeated, despite their reflex telephones to avoid the mental bullshit, that today are the civilizations in principles such as nihilism and empathy. But let's continue.

Then, with the empire and the conformation, comes the phase of accumulation of wealth, always produced by robbery-renamed as commerce. The merchants who dominated this field, were bastards raised in the harsh discipline of war, with which, the bloodthirsty, the values ​​that built the empire were still alive and kicking.

The cycle continues and now, enriched merchants and other bosses, regret having spent their lives in accumulating, deciding to give an existential turn for the patronage of intellectuals and artists. This was how money, fertilized the fields of thought and sprung the seeds of rich culture.

We are in times of opulence, with material conditions scratching the sky and life mutating in a less arid process. The evolved empire: the people developed in their individualities, explored their subjectivities and forgot the principles that made them strong. This is how intellectual wealth, with its ecosystem of cosmovisions, begins to fragment civilization, giving way to the next phase of decadence.

There we are today: parked with no intention of leaving the site.

Under capitalism, the worshiper system of Mammon, the formation and explosion of bubbles is habitual, which gives back to adults the illusion of their childhood time. An economic bubble, resembles the consumption of ecstasy, where the junk reaches moments of glory to collapse later to the underworld.

Speculation is adventure: its practitioners rely on an eternal rise in prices, with wealth assured for all their life on earth. The profits continue their ascent, the delusions keep coming ... and some smart guy discovers the greedy trapped in the parabolic climbs. These observers ignore being trapped in the trap, running on the same hamster wheel.

The illustration, intellectual movement born in the France of the XVIII, gave life to the linear conception of history, a process where the arrow of time leads us, yes or yes, towards greater levels of happiness and progress.

The future is guaranteed, and every being on earth will see his earthly days bathed in cream and glory.

But is not this the same deluded thought that inflates the bubbles? Do not you end up always exploding? What makes us think that it will be different here?

Magical thinking appears to the rescue.

In just 50 years, the world has gone from giving shelter to 2,600 million people to do it with more than 7,000; in 2025, the figure is expected to reach 8,000 million, stabilizing in 2050 there by the figure of 10,000. Is not bad not? If I were an investor in this bubble, I would think about collecting profits and rents, because it seems easy and simple for the market to explode.


-But technology always finds some solution -it will say some- To save us is technology! - Those of the technological faith, cyberfrikis disconnected from the Ethernet of reality, seem to ignore the world of scarce resources that, by definition, constitutes the economy .

Oil, coal and other burning fuels are coming to an end, because the zenith joke is already very bad taste. The food is ready, and the human being is willing to serve a poisonous soup to the planet.

-Renewable energy will save us! Its costs are decreasing! - That's right ... but taking advantage of the downward cycle in the price of raw materials, what will happen when the bullish cycle arrives? Will not they become more expensive? Its improvement is a fact, but there is still time for its profitable use, adding another shovelful of dirt to our own grave.

Do I look catastrophic? Well, I have not yet talked about agriculture, activity that quenches the hunger of the entire planet.
Peasants depend on water, and when it comes to growing, plants ask for nutrients such as nitrates, potash and phosphates. Let's start with water: fresh water reserves are as scarce as true love, and for the most part they are in the form of ice. In addition, the water that feeds agriculture, comes in 40% of aquifers, which they are not filled with a simple rainy season.

For each harvest that feeds the world, desiccation approaches and life closes its eyes.

And what about the agricultural materials? He had said that to grow, resist and thrive, plants need nitrate, potash and phosphate. What about nitrate? For it is an abundant material on earth, counting on the plus that it can be synthesized in artificial conditions; so we should not get rid of sleep. And the potash? It also has abundant reserves, although it is true that concentrated geographically and in the hands of a few posters. It has the disadvantage of not having a substitute, but we have not reached phosphate yet. For it is the scarcest of the three, without a known substitute and determinant for life. In the future black, we will see how the powers raised the geopolitics of phosphate to prominence, because the empires of China and the US, do not exploit their reserves of it while waiting for the lean years.

Well, not to dwell more, - that the heaviness can me-: we face an exponential growth of the population and agriculture in clear decline, which will serve the empty plate of future famines.

The picture does not seem delicious at all.

The world will enter a new Dark age, more lasting no doubt than the ephemeral reign of Snapchat and Instagram. After the purging of innocent lives, there is no doubt that life will rise from its ashes ... and repeat the mistakes.

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