in blog •  6 years ago 

So guys lets kick off today with what I use for my own blog. (steempress)

TIP 1:
Don't just start writing unless you have figured out your blog title, 8 out of 10 people read your blog post, but only 2 out of 10 read the whole blog or article, doesn't matter how much your post has, if your title doesn't have a great title no one will read your blog post. Go through a magazine (business, loss weight, gossip) anything that you like, that wouldn't get you tired. You have to know what your audience like and also what you like, so you stay comfortable while writing.


TIP 2:
In your introduction you need to hook people with a bold statement, like you can say do you want the formula to how I get atleast 10,000 followers on my blog post. It's not just about talking or hooking people, it's also about talking about what will be in the post, just give your audience a quick overview of what you'll be teaching, because its a great way to hook them in, in order to get them to go through your blog post and let them read through and possibly leave a post at the end of the article. Now that we've gotten that on introduction let's go to the next point.

TITLE 2.jpg TITLE.jpg

TIP 3:
Your body is very important, keep in mind you want your content easy to skip, your readers should be able to scheme through your blog, keep your paragraph from 5 to 6 lines max.


TIP 4:
It's part of a good formula, it's not just about linking to your site, its about linking to other people's site. When you link to other people's site, using their sources, siting them, it creates credibility for you and makes your business look more authentic and makes you look like an expert, and that's what you want to be perceived as.

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Last but not least...

TIP 5:
This summarizes what your post was about. Your conclusion should capture what your post was about, and you could possibly end with a question and this will attract readers to make a comment and this engages your readers and by getting engagement you are likely to make sales. When people engage you, you are likely to talk to them more. People quickly scroll through a post down to the bottom check out the conclusion and go back up to read the rest assuming they like the conclusion. So wit your conclusion make sure you keep it simple, don't make it too fancy and you're sure to get people talking to you in no time.

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conclusion 2.png

NOTE: Don't forget, when you link up to people, people get flattered...
@edu-venezuela @steemiteducation

Don't forget to:
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