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Stupid fucks, projecting their own ignorance.

With such confidence, too!


The reason is simple; it is mostly hard to have a rational discussion when religion is involved. Those gatekeepers are so sure of their facts. What can I say.......

Well religion doesn't necessarily create these gatekeepers, theyre all across society. But it definitely gives them a rationale, a community to back up their positions.

Indeed, people just needs a stand that supports them.

Wow, people are fucking cunts, lol.

TOO SOON GUYS. Ah, what do they care

They guy is still trying to find his place in d land of the dead an they are already starting his fire even if he is going to hell or heaven.... No one knows

Maybe he is in hell but gets ihs own throne, ability to walk and move again and generally rule over his less people ^__^ who knows indeed

I can only laugh with all this hate from god's-love-preachers!

It's all one can do... Satan presumably does!

Hell: the place people go to escape comments of the overly religious. Sounds like paradise.

Pretty sure all my friends are gonna be there so I'm quite looking forward to it too! Satan seems pretty cool TBH. He killed, what, 7 people or something? Meanwhile God kills billions on a whimsical tantrum. I know whose side I'm on!

The tyres on his wheelchair are barely even cold...

I'm guessing they never will be now! Do wheelchairs get damned souls too?

Those retards waste oxygen and water on a daily basis.

So now he's in a burning wheelchair, as opposed to just a wheelchair?

ALS wasn't hell enough?

I would think that a juster all-vindictive God would be like "...and you, Mr. Vainglorious Know-it-all Hawking, I sentence you to ... well ... to remain as you were! a-ha-ha-ha!"

Well God has never demonstrated the ability to be a rational, reasonable fellow. Presumably he's had a hateful grudge against Hawking for the last 70 years or so that he refuses to let go of!

It's annoyng how instantly annoyed these people make me, why the HELL are they so angry! There who attitude is the complete opposite of what their religion stands for, i would always choose the main, proper hell over their Hell disguised as Heaven. Imagine an eternity with these people! ffs. Hawkin will be fucking loving it whereever he is :D Hopefully he will hant them, especially if he still gets to keep his robot voice as a ghost, even just BOO would be hilarious.

History by its very nature is written by the victors. God was the victor here. I suspect Hell is probably a pretty cool place, just lied about by God all these years because he's a jealous, angry man

Okay. But seriously, why should someone for whom heaven awaits be angry that another person went to hell. Am I alone in thinking that there is something wrong with that reaction?

Okay, so he has gone to hell. How sad! Sadness is the appropriate reaction if you believe that the man should have believed in your religion and by so doing, go to heaven. Why all the hate and anger? What happened to loving thy neighbour as thine self?

Well, what do I know? I only came to @mobbs to copy the rules of the #sevendaybeerchallenge when I saw this.

lol at the last sentence. But yeah I don't know. I can't claim to have any understanding of the minds of religious folk. I just know religious folk can very easily guide themselves in the same bitter path as everyone else

Much more bitter part! IMO, everyone should sin a little. Working so hard to be seen as sinless has a propensity to make people too hard on themselves and others. It is like hanging out with folks that are all drinking bottle after bottle of beer. You have to be a special kind of forgiving human being to abstain from judging them when they start pooping, peeing and throwing up on themselves. But what if you drank a few bottles? Then you would be able to relate to the pooping and peeing on a different level.

As my name @churchboy implies, I am supposed to be religious. In fact, my dad had to pretend to be religious just to raise us in ways that the society expected of him. I did not know he was not religious until recently when I tried to understand what was wrong with me. You see, I struggled with the whole religious thing all my live, rejecting notions that were illogical, arriving at my own conclusions pertaining most of the things I had been taught about my religion, all the while asking myself: why can't you just be like your old man? Then a great truth came to light: he was religious or appeared to be because he did not want to be responsible for his children being unreligious. Well, I guess he is not responsible.

Suffice it to say that most of the best people I know are not religious. They know that love is a worthy goal of a human being and they pursue it. I hope this is not too long a reply but I feel strongly about these things.

Well, you are not much more religious than any of us atheists. Think of it this way, out of the 10,000 Gods out there that people have believed, you're an atheist about all of them but one. We atheists simply believe in one less god than you =P

But that's an interesting story how the society has shaped you from the pressure on your family. It paints an interesting picture. Contrastingly here in China, people are made to put the communist party leader at the top, their religious beliefs second to that, and any member of the part (of which numbers hundreds of millions of citizens), you must denounce religion and become atheist...

Very strange world we live in. You should write about this stuff in a personal blog here some time!

I'm certain I will. Thanks for your reply and encouragement. I hadn't thought about it that way. We are all atheists of some sort. Surely we cannot believe in all the gods there are.

This is something to think about.

Not long enough. You should write a post (maybe you have). Concur completely with your first para. As for the rest it seems that those stamped early with religion - Roman Catholicism seems the worst culprit here - never really escape it, however they leave it behind intellectually (you still "feel strongly about these things"). In particular the stain of 'sin', a made up thing with no connection to the things that word is used to cover in English translations of the Bible, is one millions never manage to wash off, a blight on their whole lives. The rest of us don't realize how lucky we are.

You're right. I will try and make a post about it. Though generally, I tend to stay away from religion, race and ethnicity because these are topics that the most objective persons are unable to discuss objectively.

Thank you for your comment. All the best.

A sound policy if ever there was. If most objective persons are unable to discuss a thing objectively, what price the internet?