RE: Baliw-Baliw Festival of Barangay San Vicente in Olango Island, Lapu-Lapu City (My Reaction)

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Baliw-Baliw Festival of Barangay San Vicente in Olango Island, Lapu-Lapu City (My Reaction)

in blog •  7 years ago 

Why are they hurting those innocent animals? What is the purpose of this kind of festival? I find it disturbing ..

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@Mommabutterfly you missed out to read "they sacrificing kitten, to be killed as symbol of tradition to avoid sickness for the people and calamities in their place" as belief.

Killing that kitten cannot save them from calamities and sickness , why dont they just pray to GOD and ask for a blessings and protection..

Some communities are less educate and tolerate those activity they think it is right. They don't even consider the cause and effect in environment and people. However according to news the Municipality Administration of this City started to make an action and trying their best to settle the issues.