The weekend and this morning

in blog •  7 years ago 

Crazy weekend for me. Started out Saturday morning letting the flooring guys in to finish up the vynl flooring we are putting in the basement and guest bedroom. I had to run around moving stuff trying to get ready for the in the AM. While they were doing the flooring I got a call for a loan pre-qual and worked on that.

After the flooring guys finished I spent pretty much the entire rest of the day moving furniture, putting up curtains, and putting a baby crib together. Expecting my first coming up in April. I think after all of this I had to do another loan pre-qual and ended up working on that the rest of the night.

Sunday I got up pretty early and it was FREEZING. I am pretty sure we set a record in central VA. I still took the dogs on a walk before sunrise and somehow avoided frostbite. A little later I did another pre-qual for a loan.

Next my wife and I went to Home Depot to grab a few things and then over to Wegmans to load up on groceries. When we got home it was time to unload everything (yay) and then make some food for supper. Took it easy the rest of the night.

This morning I came into work early and organized my folders. Went to the gym around 9:30 and got a crucial workout in. I do these group workout classes that my wife got me started on and they are great. It's mostly high intensity interval training type exercises. Today was lots of cardio which is my favorite.

And now I am back at work taking a lunch break but about to get back at it. Check in later.

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