If you can't beat them, then...

in blog •  7 years ago  (edited)


I've been a way, while I contemplate my future on this platform. I have to be honest it's been hard calling out people for doing shit posts when secretly I'm thinking 'just shut up and take the money'.

And when the host of BuzzFeed recently suggested she'd drop the # fight4steem tag I was like WTF?

But was also relived because drowning yourself in this sort of stuff everyday, does wear you down.

And now I see there is a @sweetsssj witch hunt which I don't agree with because it appears the person behind the account has just been playing within the rules.

And until Steemit Inc. steps in, this shit could just consume our lives, day in and day out. But it's not worth it and we all need to get a long.

So when you have a free money printing machine, why wouldn't you turn the handle faster? It's only human nature after all.

But I'm not here to lecture anyone or reveal their disguise, because ultimately you are free to do as you please. And if anarchy reins then so be it.

Let the mob decide.

And that being said, it's time I sign-off and upvote the fuck out of this post.

Feel free to hit that unfollow button, because it doesn't really matter anyway does it?

Eventually, you find your tribe or they find you.

Steemit is big enough to hide in a small corner and never be found, well until I come along, but since that was a total waste of my time, and I never actually shut anyone down so I might as well start a new tag


So, if you can't beat them, then you might as well join them.

Image Source: Pixabay

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I can't say I blame you. Accepting things for how they are is perhaps the best approach for one's peace of mind. In the end, only those with substantive SP holdings can influence the developmental trajectory of this site and the Steem blockchain. Even then, there are varying views about what that should be. Consider this an experiment, as all things in the crypto space are in this early stage of adoption - with time, quality projects will be rewarded, and those that flounder will get left behind.

Yes, you are right. I will always follow the rules, but when there are none I'm happy to just follow the pack.

Hey now, I never said I was abandoning the hash tag, just the things that I didn't think were worth fighting for. Did you read the post I linked to? If not you should. I just think we are going about things the wrong way. Getting caught up in the flame wars between whales and calling people out for posts that they are only making $5 on just doesn't seem to be making much of a difference.

To be honest a lot of my perspective changed when I saw a few of the #fight4steem supporters giving kudos to some of the new YouTube arrivals, and talking about how great it was that they were given so much SP delegation all at once. None of those people have given any indication as to whether or not they planned to drop YouTube and take embrace Steem, but they were given a pretty hefty bonus regardless. Those transplants are making a heck of a lot more money than people who shitpost, and no one seems to bat an eye.

I guess that's my point. I am exhausted at dealing with poor content because other more egregious, more draining problems are going on right before our very eyes with encouragement. You're right, why bother at this point to fight the little injustices when Steem is pouring out of here faster than we can get it back in. Sure some is replenished, but probably not at the rate that the bigger guys are taking it out. It sort of feels like trying to stop the Titanic from sinking by throwing water out of the boat with a thimble. That being said, the people taking the money out, are a lot of people that were the first to put the money in, like RanchoRelaxo. Who am I to tell him not to upvote @haejin when he's invested millions into this platform. I have merely invested time. That's it. I hardly have the right to tell people what to do. I guess that's why I am seeing things a little differently.

That doesn't mean I won't still call people out. Or at least bring attention to people. I may not flag them, but even with Sweetsssj, someone started talking about her and now everyone is, and I bet the people following her are a bit more skeptical with their upvotes. I really feel like that's the way to go, rather than flagging people into oblivion.

I understand that you're angry, but try not to take it out 100% on me. Yes I am on here to make some money, and I am not ashamed of that. I'm not like most of the guys on here that made their fortunes in BTC and can now sit on the interwebs all day without care or worry as to whether or not they will be able to pay their electric bill.

I want Steemit to be successful, even if I am not making money from it anymore, but I don't feel ashamed about being able to turn a profit, it has become nearly a full time job for me.

Sorry if it seems like I have let the #fight4Steem crew down. I am still fighting, I have just changed my approach.

Crap you are defensive, sorry if I have offended. You are in my thoughts for less than 2 paragraphs so I'm not totally beating down on you. Yes, I'm disappointed about the fight for steem but as I suggested looking at crap posts all day isn't worth it, mentally and financially anyway.

You should absolutely be making money for the effort you put in and I never suggested that. In fact you should totally use bots to get you to a decent level when dtube doesn't come to the party.

I'm just going to let the whales do their thing and I'll do mine, which will involve using bots and writing stuff.

Hopefully better than the other stuff people write but certainly not my best stuff.

Sometimes to level the playing field you need to raise yourself up, when the competitors aren't prepared to come back down.

Hey @mrpuzzle, sorry to read that you are angry and disillusioned, perhaps even dejected with some of the behaviour you have encountered. I actually agree that it might be time for a shift in focus of activity and raison d'etre on here - we just can't control what anyone else does! Perhaps the softer version of lifting awareness through example-setting will gradually alter behaviour here as an abundance mindset filters in and people panic less about possible earnings!? And for me, if there is indeed abundance (for me, yes, absolutely 🌟 ), then the scarcity mindset is redundant - ie the scurrying about trying to accumulate - sure can be done and the numbers augment, but creative energy is spent on something that will happen anyway - perhaps slower, but so what, where there is abundance, what's the need to compare stashes, or even to actively go about collecting? These activities become kinda unnecessary IMO, although each to their own and I don't call out anything as right or wrong, good or bad!

And on the point of creative energies, when I read your intro post, I got a really strong sense that you had an excitingly investigative approach which could be applied to absolutely anything - certainly to a far greater variety of (steemit) life than hunting in areas that manifest lower energies. Spending time there is bound to lower your own energies and bring to the surface latent anger etc, no? Just saying supportive things Mr.P., and I mean them. Respect to you 🕉

Hope your spirits lift and I look forward to any future creative-mensa-self-expression!
