Clear What is Holding You Back!

in blog •  8 years ago  (edited)


Behind all the padding is a very rich and spacious being, a new self that is juicy and whole, grounded and present. This self can be innocent and curious like a child, deeply happy like a dog on a walk in the woods, giddy like an explorer who has found hidden treasure, or content and complete like a grandma sitting in her rocking chair recounting stories of her remarkable life.

This self lives in awe and wonder. To this self, everything looks and feels new, and fresh, sparkly and amazing - and clear!
Actually, this self is not really all that new - just new to you! This new, bigger, self has been there all along, patiently waiting on the sidelines to come out and play. I'm sure you've experienced her or him in flashes from time to time. This self is the one that laughs a lot, doesn't take everything so seriously, and has a lot more fun.

What does your "new you" look and feel like?

The basic idea is this: For clearing to work its magic in our lives we need to integrate four key ingredients into a daily routine:


As the words imply, intention invites you to engage the mind purposefully, clarify your desires, and shift the way you think, while action gets things moving. If intention steers your clearing vehicle, action is what gives it gas.
Non-identification is a form of non-attachment. This pathway invites you to become the silent observer of your experience: to accept things as they are, take things less personally, witness without judgment. What gives this whole detachment thing its humanity, is called compassion.

Compassion, as it relates to this work, is the ultimate self-acceptance, self-love, and self-care. Compassion makes room for failure, disappointment, and imperfection. Clearing with compassion helps you feel nourished, held, and safe enough to let go.

Though each pathway is worthy in its own right, it is the four working together that create a synergistic effect. Neglecting one would be like taking a leg off a table. The model loses its strength and stability and diminishes the return for effort. It is because of the four working as a team that makes even our tinest one-minute efforts significant and lasting.

If you're wondering how these four key principles might apply to practical daily living, let's take an example like SORTING THE MAIL that comes into your home every day:

With intention you would set aside one minute a day for a week (for starters), breathe into the task, and invite ease.
Action would be sorting the day's mail, slowly, for one minute, with awareness.
With non-identification you would allow yourself to feel whatever comes up with no attachment: notice the jarring resistance when you see a utility bill, for example, or the judgments that get triggered by junk mail.
With compassion you would be kind and gentle with yourself: give yourself props for sticking with the task, or notice how good it feels to put the mail where it belongs.
Don't worry if this is still too much information. Today's message is just an overview. You will get ample practice applying these principles over the course of the year.

And p.s., for all of you who are wired for speed and outcomes, you may have noticed that "action" only comprises one quarter of the work. This is where you'll be going off-road into a new way of being. Hang in there!

So what is one simple task you can adopt that incorporates the four pathways?

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His title is very gripping

Great post! I'm currently doing the inner-work to cleanse and make space for expansion. I can't agree more on compassion and it starts with self-compassion!

Thank you. yes, self-compassion is really important in the cleanse process.