How to Ride a Bicycle

in blog •  7 years ago  (edited)

Riding a bicycle is not so difficult. If you want to ride a by-cycle, you need to follow some techniques. First, take a bicycle and go to an open field. You may take help from your friends.


Now, get on the seat and hold the handle. You should keep your body balanced and look straight. Then set your right foot on the right paddle. Now, paddle it to go ahead and set the other foot on the left paddle and try to paddle with two feet.


You may fall again an do not lose heart. Try until you succeed. It may take you 7-10 days to learn. But do not ride on the high way or on the busy road till you are expart enough.

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vai cycle chalan sikhaylen..very good post thanks

hmm vai...valo kore chalaiben cycle.