What would you do if you had a large amount of bitcoin?
Some people brag that they would buy lambos and yachts etc, i never see anyone say they would pay for their kids education , buy a house, pay medical bills, pay all the debt so there are no worries.
you know its such a shame that a lot of people are just after material things to show off their wealth.
Dont get me wrong theres nothing wrong with a new car or a holiday but why rub it in other peoples faces.
if i ever owned any bitcoin or made money from crypto in any way i could honestly say it would not effect me as a person, i wouldnt get so hyped up about being rich, i would enjoy the rest of my life knowing i owe no one anything.
This is my list of what i would do:
- Put 3 kids in college
- buy a house (nothing too big)
- buy a family car or even fix up what i have
- every year i would donate to orphanage christmas presents
- put some money into charity such as children with illnesses
i would love to see what everyone else would do :)