we woke up...

in blog •  4 years ago 

Suddenly we woke up one day and everything changed, at Disney the magic turned off, the Chinese wall wasnt so strong, now New York does sleep, and no road wants to lead to Rome, a virus is the owner of the world and we realized of our fragility, we do not know if the damage is on purpose or irresponsibility of ourselves, but the threat is there every day stronger, now the memes dont cause so much laughter, hugs and kisses became dangerous weapons and the shortage of products shows us once more how selfish we are, so selfish that we say no problem, this virus only takes the old, as if we did not have our parents or as if we will never reach old age, we want to assert our rights to decide who live or not and now we realize that we cannot even decide for our lives, a planet that decided that the Being does not exist without having sought it, that today puts on a mask not only for a virus if not to cover our vulnerability mixed with arrogance and he washes his hands to not recognize our responsibility.


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