Illuminati - The Secret Society(Part-2)

in blog •  7 years ago  (edited)

Illuminati - The Secret Society(Part-1)
An eerie clip from former 'president' George H.W.Bush in January 16,1991,

"We have before us, the opportunity to forge for ourselves & for future generations, a new world order, a world with the rule of law, not the law of jungles, govern the conduct of nations when we are successful & we will be. We had a real chance at this new world order, an order in which a credible UN can use it's peacekeeping role to fulfill the promise & vision of the UN's founders. "

So what's the new world order & what the purpose of it?

The first theory forms a man named Mark Koernke. AKA (MARK FORM MICHIGAN)

Right-wing militia activist & propagandist believe that the new world order is made above the US government, the UN & various other organization pushing an international agenda. He believes this organization will take away American rights, form an all-powerful government & put non-Illuminati members in a camp run by F.E.M.A.

The second theory comes from a David Icke.

He believes that some world leader such as Queen Elizabeth, President Barak Obama, Clinton are shape-shifting wizards. The lizards elite are behind the FREEMASONS & the illuminati. The lizard race faces off the human race & human race and occasionally demands.


Third theory & so on are coming in next post. Thanks in advance for reading the post.

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