I was recently looking at the book collection and it suddenly hit me that I haven't read a book in nearly 6 months. Have been too busy with work and then the move to get any reading done. I don't have much time now either but I do hope to spend at least half an hour each day to at least reading something.
I find that reading does bring me happiness and reading blog posts or news articles aren't the same immersive experience as reading a book. Now, if only there was a job that paid you to read. I guess some sort of an analyst job somewhere.
I do remember that Warren Buffett said that reading was what he did most of the day and he structured his life so that he could get paid to do it. Of course, he is leaving out some important details about starting on at least second base if not third.
Today, I shall read the I-Ching and hopefully it will be a good translation of the works.