Some Free Time Finally

in blog •  3 years ago 


Good to get some free time as the rest of the house goes and celebrates my wife's colleague's birthday party. Not close and I'm not a child so I get an excuse to stay home. Going to spend it on doing some projects but I don't really have that much time.

Maybe three hours of free time but for a weekend, that's almost non-existent. By the time they're back it will be close to dinner time and then its time to do the bedtime routine for the kids. And that caps off another weekend.

Maybe it is just me but the years are flying by faster and faster. I read a theory that unless we're doing new things, the brain processes the routine as a single block of time. Which is why that when we're kids and learning new things every day, the days feel much longer.

Then as you get older, the days go by faster and the years too. Man... Nowadays when I read about some 40 year old in the papers, I realize that the fella isn't much older than me. 40 used to seem ancient a while ago!

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