In our busy life, we lost our time in the competition and lost the time of smile. The result is stress, emotional exhaustion. But there is a solution. In this case, it is possible to get emotional tranquility if you follow some simple steps.
1. Healthy food and adequate sleep needs to be kept intact to keep the mind healthy. Do not change during meals. And it's very important to sleep at least eight hours for a reflection. If you are right to sleep and eat well then your mind will be just as good.
2. Smile is the most important way to keep your mind well. So laugh and laugh. Laughter increases the level of endorphins in the brain which provides mental peace.
3. You must respect yourself before thinking about your thoughts. Can not walk on foot in two boats. So decide what you want to do.
4. Take a day in a day where there is peace, or a crowd of people is much less. It creates peace in mind. However, it is not enough to leave the city completely, but you can find a quiet environment in your town.
5. Keep your home or office desk clean at all times. Put your clothes, books, magazines all in place. Cleanliness keeps the mind good