How Come I Can’t Talk About Cynthia G’s Wig?

in blog •  6 years ago 

Cynthia G wig, onyx truth.png

I stated on my last blog about her that her message of being so pro-black is extremely problematic when everybody looks at her wig that isn’t reflective of a black woman’s texture sitting on top of her head. I also stated that maybe she has an illness or some sort or some sort of issue with her natural hair which is why she wears this wig (which I honestly don’t know) but if that’s the case, I stated that even with all of her “beta male coon” talk that most dudes probably wouldn’t be as offended by her message and would probably even be open to actually hearing her out if she had a wig on that represented the hair texture of a black woman. But the fact that she doesn’t, the optics of a hyper pro-black chick wearing a non-black woman’s textured hair wig; the contrast is too great to ignore. You can’t ignore it when it’s right smack in your face when she’s on camera. You ever find yourself talking to somebody with some absolutely fucked up teeth? No matter how hard you fight to not look at their mouth as they speak, you can’t help but to look at those raggedy ass teeth. So what makes the wig on Cynthia G’s head any different? When I watch a Cynthia G video, I am literally looking a black woman who is extremely pro-black and proud of her pro-blackness wearing the figurative and literal crown of a non-black woman. Just imagine that we all hoped into a time machine and traveled back to ancient Egypt and saw Queen Nefertiti walking around with the one of those ancient Greek leaf crowns adorned on her head. You all would look at her like she done lost her damn mind to be wearing the crown of “da white man”. But in the year 2019, your great pro-black babbling YouTube queen by the name of Cynthia G. is sitting on your screens preaching to you all about about beta male coons and black men being dominated as she wears the crown of her solemn enemy, and not just any ole enemy, but the crown of “da white woman”, whom she claims black men desire more than anything in this world.

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