R. Kelly Can Always Depend on Black Women for Support

in blog •  6 years ago 

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So after all of these women watched that record breaking Lifetime special about how allegedly R. Kelly was so manipulative and abusive, why in the world would any woman want to run out to celebrate with this man and then ask to be his next “hostage”? Why? It’s more than likely for the exact same reasons these alleged survivors wanted to be in the presence of R. Kelly AFTER they knew about his pissing on little girls on film. Those so-called survivors were more than likely just like these women who were in the club with R. Kelly the other day celebrating his birthday with him. Just like these women, those survivors knew about R. Kelly’s shady past and they still chose to do whatever they had to do to get next to him in order to get a taste of that rich and famous lifestyle. And in the case of the minors, you can toss their parents into this foolishness as well for offering up their children to a man with a shady past like him because the parents themselves wanted a piece of that action too. This is why I really don’t believe a lot of the stuff I heard on that documentary because WHERE WAS THE PROOF. That documentary was filled with nothing but hearsay because if there was proof, then why in the hell didn’t they go straight to the cops or the prosecutor’s office as opposed to filming a damn made for tv documentary? But we’re not supposed to be asking questions like that. We’re supposed to just shut the hell up and take everything at face value that’s being presented on a television show about R. Kelly. We’re not supposed to wonder how many of those girls and their parents WANTED to put themselves or their daughters in the line of sight of R. Kelly despite all of the shit everybody knew about him going back as far as the early 90s. We’re just supposed to believe that all of these women are completely innocent due to their age and that R. Kelly is a master manipulator, despite the nigga claiming that he can’t read or write. Then you turn around and see reports of black women breaking their necks to attend a club with R. Kelly AFTER this salacious documentary came out calling him all kinds of child molesters and rapists. Yet black women are still lined up to see him and show him undying support. But you long onto Facebook and Twitter and you don’t see anybody calling this foolishness out and guess what, you won’t. Why, because black women are never wrong no matter what the hell they do.

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