Some of you will say, “THE RACE WAR IS MORE THAN JUST A PHYSICAL WAR! IT’S FINANCIAL! THEY GENTRIFYING US! THEY’RE DOING THIS, THEY’RE DOING THAT!” OK, fine. What are you doing about it? Better yet, let me ask you this, do you have at least 6 months to a year’s worth of savings in your bank account? You probably don’t. You probably have just below a thousand dollars because that’s what the average American has at any given time. I imagine it’s probably lower for black people. The reason I’m mentioning this is because, if the so-called race war is going to be a financial one as well, how do you expect to fight back when you have no money to compete? You want to talk about, “WE NEED TO BUILD OUR OWN BUSINESSES!” OK. You got the money? Can you log off OF your computer right now and round up 10 people you know in real life who can put up at least $5k on the spot right now? What about your credit score, what’s that looking like? Can you walk down a local bank right now and get a loan for $10k no questions asked? Can you? I can. Can you? The reason I’m saying this is because, once again, you all can get on YouTube and talk big talk in the comments section but everything in reality says the complete opposite. Reality says most of you don’t have a lot of money and you don’t know people with a lot of money. And if you did have access to money, most of you wouldn’t know what to do with it beyond tricking it off on rims, weaves, Swisher Sweets and Newport cigarettes. And don’t act like I’m just making this up. I can go to any predominately black area in any city in America and it’s the same ole story every where you go. It’s a bunch of black people with absolutely no survival skills and no money to engage in any form of a so-called race war whatsoever. You know what I’m saying to be true, but y’all want to get all mad at me for telling you what you already know. Idon’t understand why because the very same pro-black babblers you all listen to tell you the exact same things. One in particular (Jason Black) has made 3 documentaries telling you about yourselves for crying out loud, but y’all want to get mad at me. Is it because I’m a biracial? Y’all don’t want to hear the so-called tragic mulatto tell black people about black people because you all somehow believe that I don’t know black people as if I haven’t literally spent my entire life living around, going to school with, and dating black women all up and down the black community? “YOU MULATTOS ARE TRAITORS! YOU ARE THE ENEMY TO BLACK PEOPLE!” Meanwhile, you all are bowing at the alter of Colin Kaepernick and were jumping up and down cheering when Nike signed him. But I’m the confused one. 😂 Man if y’all don’t get out of here with this foolishness already.
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