Let's make a blog post! 13

in blog •  5 years ago  (edited)


I missed this weekend with some friends and my fiance, we had a lot of fun, I burned in the pool too much but it was worth hehe.

The fact that we were in a residential area of ​​wealthy and wow people is very crazy, Venezuela is definitely a utopia, because although there are many people who do not even have to eat, there are still many who have too much money, which I do not say that it is bad at all because everyone works to have their things, but it seems to me that we live in a quite crazy situation, in short, the point of this publication is not that.

My back burns and my face lol, I had enough time that I did not bathe in a pool, I am not a fan of them, I am more than beaches.

I still don't have the photos because I currently don't have tlf, however when I have them I show them :)

Today I leave this song:

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